Did you know physical touch can reduce stress and blood pressure? Your skin receptors send messages to the brain that regulates and suppresses hormones that cause those negative effects on the body.
But today I want to get into a different type of touch. Touching through words. Although words are invisible, they are very strong, dangerous, creative, and even deadly if used the wrong way.
Loving words can bring comfort.
Fighting words can cause violence.
Intellectual words can bring wisdom.
Encouraging words can build bravery.
Ignoring words can make things go wrong.
You see, physical touch leaves a short lived impression. It can become a memory paired with emotion, but most are forgotten within seconds.
Words touching a person leaves a longer lasting impression, if abused, they even leaves scars.
Words have a ripple effect that can last generations, even centuries. Look at the words annotated in different religions.
Words can build and destroy:
3 out of 4 people sell themselves short. That’s astounding compared to all the potential power, influence, and impact a person has in them! But think, probably 3 out of 4 young people grow up surrounded by a negative views of the world. Coming up I remember always hearing how the system against us, people are stupid, and how everyone is looking out for themselves, so it’s every man for himself. Kill or be killed. When you become older, how do present yourself in the adult world? The same exact way. And the cycle continues.
Find words that you can encourage yourself with and others.
Watch how life changes when we feed our minds positive words to think on.
Remember the six magic words: We become what we think about.