What do you say about yourself?
How are you feeling towards yourself?
Sometimes what we see, know, and think about God and what He has for us does not line up with how we feel.
For me, I know that I’m fearfully and wonderfully made, and made in His likeness, but I feel stupid, old, and ugly inside and out. This is where faith and belief overcome current situations that temporarily feed us lies and circumstances that keep us down in a depressive hole.
Since everyone’s circumstances are different, write down some constant feelings you have, and the truth you need to hear.
Some of these statements you come up with may not be for a positive pep talk, they may require action to fulfill. Do the work. See the results.
If I feel fat, powerless, and overweight, what can I tell myself that I’m not? My image that I have of myself may not currently match the positive view, so that means I’m going to have to make changes to come out of that cycle that is keeping in the state that I’m in. Reminding myself daily can help keep on track to achieve the goals and image I have of myself.