There are a few things working behind the scenes as we have our tea together:
The making of the tea transports you into place of peace where you are able to release the troubles of the world. If you watch the tea release into the water and see it go from clear water to whichever tea chose, you see the water become different. You become different.
Water has no nutritional value, adding tea adds value. Tea transforms the water into something entirely different.
Having tea together creates a bond between people. That bond formed through an inner peace when experiencing the tea, and experiencing it together. It is like a communion or shared experience to sit inside of a moment. A chance to slow down and just be.
Experiencing tea and time having it allows you to focus on meeting your guest, and /or God through all five senses, where the mind and body can have a place to have a peaceful conversation.
These conversations between the mind and body, friends, and inner peace, builds strength… In your in the connections with God, yourself, and in bond with the people you spend time with. Especially if you take it as an Ichigo Ichie.