There are many facets to discovering and understanding your own personal ikigai. We have to take time to examine our lives and notice the little things. More than likely, you function in your ikigai everyday, but since there’s is no emphasis on it, it doesn’t seem strong enough to fulfill your mission, purpose, and vision, for your life.
I think back to when I went to a certain class on relationships and the counselors there broke down the psychology of men and women, different personalities, and why people do the things they do. It was the greatest class I’ve really been through, and it may be why I’m still married after 26 years now. But i chose to listen and apply the strategies, logic, and reasoning. And the person next to me, probably didn’t make it. In fact, some didn’t even finish the class. It’s what speaks to you, and what you do with it.
Pay attention to what you are telling yourself about your everyday life. The little things matter.
- What are some little things do you do that brings joy throughout your day?
- What are some little things that seem to cause stress and anxiety?
- What are some little steps to accomplish or small things to make happen to make you feel better about the day?