“The night is the world’s way of telling you that you have done enough for the day.” - I’ve been killing slimes for 300 years and maxed out my level.
Not enough of something causes damage. On the others side of the coin, too much of anything can cause damage also.
It’s hard to achieve balance. I’m not all that sure that there is such a thing. But if you are going to tip the scale, do it to the positive side of your life.
Work needs to equal play. If your work is considered your play by your standards, then you are probably living out your ikigai.
Spending should not exceed what you take in. The excess is your profit. That’s tipping the scale to your positive side.
The things you are doing should equal out to the things you are learning. When you learn something new, put it into practice!
Balance in ikigai is found where our wants & gifts we have meets how we use them and what we use them for.