It’s easy to get stuck in our ways. Our routines will have us dig a little hole and plant ourselves snuggly in our little rut. New concepts and ideas come into our space, and if we’re not careful, they will pass us by. Remember you are only one thought away from your next life changing breakthrough!
Decisions to act may be a little uncomfortable, because you maybe going in a direction that you have never gone before. It’s like deciding to find new soil to settle into. But can a plant do it on its own? It needs help.
Step towards the future but still in the now.
Remember to not be pulled into the futre through worrying, but acting on ideas and working your plans are taking Steps towards it, not thrusting yourself into a false reality. It’s more like you are creating a true reality as you go along in the moments.
God gives and inspires ideas outside the box. He seems to place them right on the Outer edge of the comfort zone. So the decision has to be made, do I stay here, or will I move forward?
Let’s move forward to new soil!
#ikigai #moai #wabisabi #ichigoichie #wabikigai #zaizen #UnBlockYourself #mindset #kinstugi #ikebana #newsoil #Newlife