Take your thoughts seriously. They are the first drafts to your next steps in life (if you choose to take action on them).
Every action affects the rest of your life, but every action starts as a thought. We have to think how important it is to keep feeding your mind the thought producing information that will be in favor of the outcome that you seek.
If you want to lose weight, you cannot load up on information going to the five senses of junk food and unhealthy lifestyles. The senses pretty much frame your reality. So input going to them will start to shape your thoughts and behaviors to create, obtain, and scheme until it satisfies its desires.
You get what you want. If you want something, and say don’t, that will come true. You think it won’t and you hear yourself saying it, so you are starting the process of building the reality of feeding yourself information that you can’t, until it is undeniably true.
Your INput determines your OUTcome.
I’ll post the Ebook link in the comments.