#UnBlockYourself2020 E12
Flexing your prayer muscle
Focusing on plenty will produce plenty
Focusing on lack will only produce more lack
Because what you focus on grows.
John Maxwell says the keys to focusing is priorities and concentration. I’d like to mix in with this intentional actions. What you are after will surely become closer when you operate in all three. The more intensity, the quicker the results.
Just like the physical body, for there to be change:
- you have to decide to change. (Made up your mind)
- you have to be willing to change. (Use willpower)
- You have to be determined to change. (Stay with it until you see results)
Your growth will come from your changes.
You can’t expect to get better results from doing the same thing you always do.
If I want to enhance the whole body, I can’t only do leg day. I have to be holistic in my intentions.
Prayer too, I can’t focus on just myself and money, God Didn’t set it up that way. Actually, when you try to pray without ceasing, it will show you that you can only talk about yourself for a short period of time.