Flipped Focus
With all of the attention being placed on moving toward your goal I really really really do not want you to EVER forget what the motivation for the goal is.
Do not lose sight of the “why” you are doing what you are doing.
I think it’s really easy to be so focused on the process and the end results that we forget to work towards the reason for the vision.
I’ve gotten wrapped in the what’s and the how’s that even after I accomplished the goal I was never satisfied. The why wasn’t there anymore, and what I was doing was just out of habit. Although positive and impacting, it wasn’t all that meaningful to me anymore.
So what happens? We’ll move on, new mission, but the vision is incomplete. But the remedy for it? Remember the why. Be motivated by the motivation and keep the fire hot.
Focus on your focus and let that create the what’s and how’s.