Forcing God’s Hand
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.””
Hebrews 13:5 NIV
What you have is your story.
Think of this life you’ve already journeyed through, on all the ups and downs, and focus your attention to the moments of joy, learning, and transformation (both external and internal) that you have experienced over time.
How did you make it? Did you have to force God to give you what you wanted? Did your success come from just you making it happen?
It’s a partnership, we have to be inspired to want what God has for us and then show up ready to play the main character of our story.
Our story is weaving our wants and desires and Gods perfect will for us. Since there are perfect and imperfections working together, (Wabi Sabi) you will experience ups and downs. Our highlights are great. But it is equally important to love the scars that also make up our lives, we can’t forget that each one adds value to our personal story.