Grow-Giving Principle 1
As I was saying last week, we are going to start his year off a little differently. I wanted us to first focus on our own determination for our success, (our goals and our word), and now lay out a foundation for that success:
I want everyone to get “the go giver” when you get the chance. It’s a short story where the main character has a heart change from go getting, (crushing anything and anyone who gets in the way of his success), to true success, being a solution through the enjoyment of helping others.
1 condition the main character had to fulfill is when he learned a law, he had to implement that law that day. So, when you hear the law, more than likely you’ll be presented the opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned, and it will elevate you that much closer to your success!
Law 1: The law of value
Your true worth is determined by how much more give in value than you take in payment.
- Your business or the job you do is a solution.
- Out of love for your the solution you possess you are rewarded with a paycheck.
- The more you help people (giving value), the more people will give for that value your giving to them.
Look at all the people you consider successful.
Are they giving value?
Are the solutions they provide serving many people?
How can you increase your value? (Hint: serve more people)