Grow-Giving Principle 3
Did you do it? Did you take the opportunity to increase your value AND increase in the number of people you are touching?
What you will see happening is since you are increasingly giving of yourself and touching lives, you are simultaneously build influence and rapport.
The Law of Influence:
The Law of Influence says, “Your influence us determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.
So as you see added here, the giving of value, the giving of yourself to touch lives, and now the giving up of putting your needs above the person you are touching, you have built a very strong bond, that those who are being touch will back your success. Not only back and support you, but also push you to do more and become more.
The secret to this law is to not just think win / win, where you win and they win by negotiating terms, but shifting over to THEY win, and their win is also MY win because I could make it happen for them. Our success shoots 100 fold when change our mindsets from ME win centered, to WE win centered. I say we because their win is an achievement for both of us.
This is why I’m pushing your one words and goals. I want to see you win. That’s a win for me too!
“A good leader motivates, doesn’t mislead, doesn’t exploit. GOD cares about honesty in the workplace; your business is his business.”
Proverbs 16:10-11 MSG