Grow-Giving Principle 5
When we give, we know we things are given back to us in many ways, so today, I want you to be in the position ready to receive.
Not so much giving to receive (that is called an investment), no, but because we know when we give we will receive. There is a difference. But many do not position themselves to receive at all.
The law of receptivity
The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving. This is why I call this grow-giving.
There are 2 thoughts I have for this, the first BEING open to receive.
When I was younger I tried to never accept anything from anyone because I had to make it on my own. I needed to prove my worth. I didn’t want to owe anyone any favors they could hold over me.
This thought process all came to a crashing halt when a wise young lady lovingly scolded me when she said, “Boy! The Lord is trying to bless you and you keep pushing it away, pretty soon He’s gonna just stop giving you the chances.” Can you imagine? Just being cut off?
You have to be open. The next one is just as important. You have to stay in an open state to receive. There are all king of negative people and circumstances that can cause a heart to close. Mainly, the old saying, a closed fist never receives, is true. When you are holding on tight to everything you have been given, It’s hard to get more if you are closing yourself off to anything coming in.
The other thing that closes us up is negative people trying to steal or take advantage of us. I’m not saying it's ok or just let people walk all over you, what I want you to remember is not everyone is like that. Remain open to giving people a chance. Be open to give to people who need it. The takers have a way of taking away the desire to help anyone. But the Givers, focus on giving, not so much on who may be taking.
That’s why it's important to be a giver and not a taker.