Faith moves you to action.
Your actions motivated by your faith in something causes you to be able to do impossible things.
Look at all the unstoppable people you’ve witnessed throughout your life.
Now fear, it immobilizes you. Spiritually, mentally, and or physically scared stiff.
Faith and fear are illogical, and the measure each one has in any given situation will be different because we are all so unique.
Speaking to ten kids, or a packed auditorium of adults and children, logically a group of people should be a group of people. Functioning through faith, you may find it easy. Frozen in fear you may want to die.
Encourage yourself to do what you’re called to do in faith. And if your faith is not enough, you may have to rely on others faith in you until yours kicks in.
You may be frozen in fear, but take even the tiniest step to move forward in faith.