Ichigo Ichie: Enjoying the Now
Yesterday I attended another funeral, where I was reminded once again of how precious relationships are, and just how short our time is.
We must make the most of each moment, Charlie Brown once told Snoopy, “Someday, we will all die, Snoopy!”
Snoopy thought to himself, “True, but on all the other days, we will not.”
So, how will you spend the time that you will not?
How important is now?
Being in the Now is about being mindful of the present. Your emotions hold you in certain stages of time, and the present is the ONLY place that NOW can exist.
So I urge you to enjoy the moment that you have. Every second can cause a memory that can last your lifetime.
This is how I feel:
Here and now, nothing else matters, everything on the outside can wait. All of our energy is concentrated into this one instance. The entire universe is fixated in the breathe of this one moment of us together.
In the book kintsugi, it’s like the author was talking right to me saying:
Enjoy the journey, don’t try to arrive before you’ve even left yet.
Slow down. This particular meeting will only happen once in this lifetime. Let’s enjoy it.
Ichigo ichie.