If Only Statements
In MS Excel, if statements can be used to create formulas and functions for all kind of little tricks. I made all kind of little programs when I was younger.
Now that I think about it, “if only” statements can help us break self-limiting beliefs! If you are able to label a limitation with an “if only” statement, you give yourself a path to victory.
Here is the formula:
"I could be or do ______________ if only I had _______________."
This statement tells you your goal. Not only that, but what it would take to achieve this goal.
"I could be rich if only I had stocks."
Well, go get stocks. Research. Get advice. Go get what you are seeking, what excuse will you come up with? It will be hard because if you want it, you take on that excuse as a challenge.
"I could be spiritual if only I had time."
Create time. Carve it out in your schedule. You can actually prioritize your time to have alone time with God.
Can you think of a If Only Statement for you to crush???