Hopefully you are starting to see in your day to day journey some activities that you take part in pointing to your true Ikigai. My cheat sheet has the pillars in pairs:
- Kaizen and Kodawari
- Accepting and Releasing Yourself
- Harmony and Sustainability
- Enjoying the little things
- And today: the Here and Now
The here and now is the main idea behind “Ichigo Ichige”, (once in a lifetime meeting), meaning that you need to present when things are happening because it will never happen the same exact way with the same exact consequences or benefits ever again. Just like every decision you make affects the rest of your life, every thing happening right now in the moment is all you have. Mother Teresa said, “Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come, all we have is today”. So take advantage of this moment in time.
Being present in the moment is most important thing you can do when it comes to being aware of your purpose. If God is speaking to you and giving instruction, if you are living in the past, you miss it. You are too busy reliving something already gone. Just as bad is trying to live in the future, neglecting the tasks and people who are right here and now in front of you, who you’ve been called to serve and touch. Being in the present with the mindset that every meeting and experience is a once in a lifetime thing will make every moment a purpose driven, fulfilled, and ordained moment catered just for you!