Going into this new year I want us all to strive for excellence. Do not confuse this with perfection, because there will always be room for improvement.
To really make an impact with your ikigai is to really give what you doing your all. “Is this the best you can do?” is a little reminder for me of a story of someone submitting an article to Henry Kissinger. He sent it back with a note that said, “Is this the best you can do?”. The author of the article thought it was rude, and begrudgingly reworded the article and sent it again. Kissinger again sent it back to him, with the same note, “Is this the best you can do?” Really frustrated and upset, the author rewrote the entire article, and submitted it with the note, “I have redone the entire article, and this is the absolute best I can do.” Kissinger sent a note back saying, “Good, this time I’ll read it.”
People want the best from you. That is the standard of what they are judging you by. If you give a mediocre presentation of what you have to offer, many will assume that is the best you can do. It may not be perfect, but your best is everything that anyone could ask for.
So this year, let’s give it all we got.