“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
When I first moved down this way I didn’t have a job, so to feel important I pretty much did anything and everything to stay busy. When you open your calendar, everyone will usually fill it for you. I had meetings here, odd jobs there, church program here, youth event there... feeling really important! Scheduled too packed to sit down. But it really meant that, just busy. No real impact. No meaningful relationships, just busy looking like I was downing something.
When you fill your life with so many unimportant things, they pile up and block the way of the important things. More like this:
- when you are always moving, you never get the chance to be still and know.
- When you are always talking and giving your opinion, you never get to listen and hear a word
- When you are always thinking of past wrongs, or always plotting the future for yourself, you will miss the now moment.
Reminds me of the story of the zen monk.
We weigh down our lives with so many projects that have nothing to do with our purpose, many times just chasing fame and fortune. But what impact does that have on your ikigai? Or is the impact you are having even positive? Sometimes we sacrifice the people close to us on the way to the top.
Reminds me of Hiro Obayashi
List some things that weigh you down.
Ask how this can be lifted.
Our environment and lifestyle greatly impacts our mind, our being, our judgement.
Don’t try to take it all on at the same time.
Set a goal.
Create baby action steps (mini goals) to get you there reasonably.
Go for the next one!