Listen and Trust
Ever feel like you are pushing to hard to make things happen? Or feel like you are doing way too much? You probably are.
No one says that life will be easy, but we are supposed to trade in our heaven burdens in exchange for the joy of the Lord.
If He offers this exchange, what’s wrong?
When we start to feel this way, we need to check ourselves. We may be trying to forge a dirt path through a forest while there is a paved road 100 feet away.
We fix this feeling through prayer and listening.
Listening to the answers we get and trusting that they are truth.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
With established straight paths there is no need to worry if you are going in the right direction.
With established straight paths there is no need to worry about the time and energy it will take trying to create the road that has already been laid for you.
With established straight paths there is no need to worry about how you will get to your end vision and goals, trust that the person who gave the vision, also provides the way to get there.