#UnBlockYourself2020 E10
“Everything you need is in this room” - Kris Murray
Most of the time when we are searching for ourselves, or trying to figure out what the right path is for us to take, we search high and low outside of our greatest resource. God speaking to the heart and mind.
We get torn away from this idea because of social media, commercials, friends, life telling you what you need is: ______________.
But God has infinite intelligence and is willing to share what you need if you are able to listen to Him. That “something” that you search for is usually so close that we miss it.
Look inward
A few suggestions to look inward she gives is:
- Keep a journal of your thoughts
- Capture your dreams
- Check in with your Support
- Develop your spiritual life
Take time out to listen to your inner self.
Prayer and meditation works wonders, and most people will not do it for lack of time. To gain time for it, you might have to schedule it until it becomes a priority for you.
The more you listen to your inner being, the more trust you can have that everything you need is in the room!
#lookwithin #answers #soulsearching #selfhelp