Move Your Feet!
There is an old African proverb that had a saying, “when you pray, move your feet.”
Yes there is a time to be still.
You need to be still to hear, prayer is the TWO way communication between you and God.
But there will be a time to act.
God will be requiring you to stretch your faith by being a “doer, not just a hearer”
The scripture says that faith without works is dead.
It does not do you any good to see fire, hear the alarm, and still sit there and pray. You have all things happening for a reason, your success.
I’m 1,000% sure that God does not want you to just be, He wants to move, and you to move with Him. On the flip side, I’m also 1,000 % sure that if you don’t move, you’ll stay right where you are.
So when you pray, move your feet!