As I mentioned before, because I was unclear in the things I wanted to say in Japanese, I couldn’t even begin to start to learn the necessary tools I would need to be successful at it. I called it being in the fog.
Being in the fog will almost undoubtedly put you directly on the path to failure. I was on it. The problem is this, when most of us find ourselves on this path, even though we know we’re on it, we stay on it. What keeps you on the path to un-success? To be simple, usually you. How? Like this:
We usually stay on the path by not taking responsibility. “It’s not my fault”, is usually the start of blame shifting. Because it’s out of your hands, you cannot take yourself off the path, the person at fault will have to do it.
Giving up is a sure-fire way to stay on that path to failure. In basketball, it has been said that you miss 100% of the shots you do not take. Also when you aim for “nothing” you will hit it every time.
Last thing that keeps us on that path is excuses. This usually stem from a place of being comfortable with where you are. Every reason you have not to move forward, is also the reason you have given yourself of why you want to be where you are. That is, if you are not trying to do something about it.
What can you change today to switch paths from unsuccessful to successful?