Persistent Momentum
We utilize baby steps and replace bad habits last episode...
Today I want you to get this: You will become what you think about. Non-stop moving towards your goal will get you to it no matter what tries to stop you.
Grant Cardone gave this analogy, have you ever tried to stop a baby from learning to walk? Have told that baby “stop! You might get hurt trying to do that!”
On that note, as many times as they’re falling flat on their faces, they get back up and carefully try and try again.
Never stopping until they get it. Most every human being with the capacity to walk will walk no matter what.
Walking, Riding Bikes, learning to swim, all have an element of danger, but the rewards of success waaaaayyyyy outweigh the risks, so we keep going. And going. And going until we have enough momentum to overcome the risk and fear and anything else life might throw at us.
Although you want to keep the baby safe, make the path safe for their success, don’t destroy their efforts unless they are on a path to destruction, then you may have to intervene.
If you are the baby, keep at it. Do not stop. You will become what you have been thinking about. Everything that worth it must have a price that has to be paid.