Yesterday we positioned ours to receive. As you receive, take into consideration of how you can use your established position to help others. In an interview with Chad from 4 & 20 Bakers yesterday, he said, “find a mentor, be a mentor!” This really embodies the position thought.
Position yourself to receive. Find mentors who can help you get to where you want to go.
Next, position yourself to be able to give. Allow those special people God sends to you to learn from you. Take the blessing of being blessed to bless others so they also can blessings to others. This is what builds strong communities, of people where they live, and of friends who are able to help meet the needs of their circle.
Many people do not build up others because they're not in the position to build. We need to give to others out of the overflow of what we have, not forcing ourselves to produce what we wish we had because someone else asks for it. This will produce anxiety, anger, and anguish towards the person you are trying to help.