Re-check yourself:
#Unblockyourself is about getting out of your own way in your mind, body, spirit, finances, and social interactions. Re-centering is aligning yourself to the will of God in your life, and Re-focusing is choosing to stay on that positive path. Today we Re-check ourselves to make sure we are flowing in the now in the five areas.
Re-checking is making sure that you are present in mind, body, spirit… etc. Power to change situations Is held in the present. The past is already gone, and the future is a prediction that has not happened yet. To make change happen, it must be done in the present. Daily checks can help you be in the present so you can adapt and adjust to what is happening now. Any other state will not allow you to correct things in your favor.
Every new day is an opportunity for us to reach new heights and new levels! But remember also every level up requires you to shift gears. Let’s make the “Re” adjustments to live out our ikigai!