"No one is really self made, but the really successful apply themselves to be self taught... In an age of this much free information, your ignorance is a choice.” Rachel Hollis
Information is "Potential Power".
If applied, information can turn into knowledge.
Applied knowledge leads to: (4 P’s and a F)
Poise - state of being balanced
Position - in a place open to opportunities
Power - influence
Peace - peace of mind
Freedom - options to choose what you want
Annie besant
Knowledge is essential to conquest, only according to our ignorance are we helpless.
Thought creates character, and Character can dominate conditions, and the will creates circumstances and environment.
If you are failing and knowledge, there is a wealth of treasure in information on the subject that you need. If you lack knowledge in an area, either you are conceited, ignorant, or both.
Conceited because you deny the work and research on the subject that has been written down for you, Ignorant because you didn’t know that it was there, current (but that can be fixed, right?), Or both because you choose to be ignorant.
A man kept getting passed over for a higher position because he didn’t have a college degree. He complained to his friend, “I’d give anything to be able to go back in time and go to college”, his friend said, “well, why don’t you go?” The man went on to say, “I’m 35, I have a wife and kids, it would take me 10 years to go to college at night and graduate.”
The friend asked, “well, how old would you be 10 years from if you went?”, the man said, “45!”
And then the friend asked, “how old would you be in ten years if you didn’t go at all?”, “well, 45 I guess…”
Time moves forward if you want to be knowledgeable in your strengths or not.
Why choose not to have power?