What did you eat for New Years?
Tradition calls for us to eat certain things, but does it work?
Anyway, I found a book that I hope can change our financial lives, and also bring couples closer together. The book is titled: "Smart Couples Finish Rich" by David Bach
To start off I'd like to lay a foundation, so let's get to it!
3 things starting off I wanted everyone to know:
1 We need to learn to earn. Let's get our mind set to learn how to work with money, or make it work for us.
2 We need to know the differences of liabilities from assets.
3 We need to BOTH decide to become successful, and define what that success is.
When both are on the same page:
Make agreements to hold each other accountable
Be patient and work together, not against each other
Work to understand viewpoints on how each person views the handling of finances.
* Some views may be influenced by childhood, education, friends, lack of, or the abundance of money.
* Not everyone sees the same situations the same way. That is the need for communication, and no room for assuming.
Ultimately, the success will come from not how much money have, but how you work together to make things happen. And it will extend into more areas beyond just your finances!