Babies stretching:
To get infants to crawl or move towards an object they want, the object is placed just out of reach so they have to stretch towards it to get it. They cannot stay still if they want to get what they want. Also, they will to keep their eyes on the object as they do whatever they can to move towards it.
The way I was seeing it, God would be the parent with object being the life He would love for us to have. We are the baby who gives it our all to obtain this treasure, and although it seems just out of reach, if we move towards it, eventually we will grab hold of that goal.
Stretch marks:
pregnancy, weight gain in obesity, growth spurts in teenagers, medication side effects, or a rapid increase in muscle size through weightlifting are all common causes of the skin being expanded greater than its elasticity.
In this, the way I saw it, our comfortable life is like the skin. When we start to grow in knowledge, self esteem, character, integrity, our positive mindset, our current comfortable life cannot contain it, it has to stretch, stretch beyond its comfort zone, and those stretch marks left behind shows that you are not the same person you were before, and you have the scars to prove it.
Do what you can to stretch today.
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. All you have is today, so let’s make the most of it.