The Kintsugi Process
The kintsugi process reminds me of when we make a mistake or break a trust, we’ve learned a lesson, and we try to rebuild the relationship.
For today, picture a relationship, or a promise, or your walk with the Lord, or anything of value as an object.
Stage 1: Break
Something happens to where the object gets broken. A mistake, temptation, maybe even something deliberate. A bad decision was made and we chose to go down a path detrimental to the object.
It breaks.
Stage 2: Assemble
To bring the object back into good standing, pieces must be gathered, cleaned, prepared, filed, and filled. There is work involved. Real work. Caring for the object in all of it’s brokenness. The main objective though, is to make it whole and functional again.
Stage 3: Wait
The waiting stage is probably the hardest because you have take time out, set things aside, let time do it’s thing. In relationships, things can build over years, and be destroyed in an instant. When putting it back together, you’ll find that things don’t just magically go back to the way things were just because one misses the other. Just as before, time and experience will have to build it again.
All this and we still haven’t put it together just yet. But patience is key, the end product makes it all worth it.