Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
The slow nullification of having more than enough (that’s a good thing)
#UnBlockYourself2020 E08 -
The slow nullification of having more than enough (that’s a good thing)
I know it’s kind of weird for the title, but that’s what I got for this Wednesday as we focus on the spirit.
To boil a frog alive you can’t just throw him in a pot of boiling hot water, nope. He’ll bounce right out of that thing! What has to happen is that he sits in his environment and the temperature gets raised ever so slightly, Little by little, and he doesn’t even know what’s happening.
Same thing happens to us morally and spiritually, we get so used to the norm being pushed in the wrong direction that we consider barely acceptable things now common even though we could not even image it a few years back.
But on a positive note, the same can happen on the flipside. You can stay in God‘s presence enough to where miracles can be common place, or hearing His voice is just second nature to you, and it would be very normal to see God move on your behalf.
So, here are a few keys to having “common place abundance”:
- laying a foundation: decide that you have more than enough
- Doing things little by little: be grateful for everything
- Keep the mindset before you, and you’ll see it everywhere!
#abundance #morethanenough