"We realize we have built our lives around who we were, and we must make adjustments to be who we are, on the way to who we are becoming."
I read this in a daily devotional and it really spoke to me. Ichigo Ichie (about being present in the moment) has been something I firmly believe in, but I have a hard time staying there with God. Reading this I finally have an understanding why.
God is always in the now. In my past, it's His now. In my future, it's still His now. My present, He is there, in the now. But as for us, we only can be in the now, and who are today is built on all of our past experiences (In The Past). All I know is my past, my future is not clear, and I can only blindly walk by faith in the now. That's Hard.
I'm building my now off of what I've experienced in the past. But God is ever changing and evolving us for our future, so the struggle really just boils down to trusting the process. Because He functions in the now, we can't really rely on just our past to fulfill our future. We have to trust and depend on Him. I can't stress this enough, being present with Him in the now is where change comes. If we can keep focused on the now, our future is bright paved with the blessings of our lights shining in the darkness!
Have a great day!