There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.
I think we spend way too much time chasing after happiness. We dream up great things and then start after them. To get there, we sacrifice time and resources, sometimes have to crush opponents, and something I don’t like to think about, give up some important things we’ve held onto all our lives, to make the dream come true.
In this series, I’ve been trying to relay the message to also enjoy the journey. Your life, according to Wabi Sabi and Kintsugi, is unique and every detail about you tells a fascinating story about who God has created in you.
In addition, you living this life, the way you were designed, this is your ikigai.
- We spend so much precious time looking for purpose instead of living it.
- We spend so much time chasing after dreams instead of living them out.
- We spend so much time trying to find the way to happiness, when all along, happiness is the way.
Here is a popular quote:
“We spend our time waiting for the ideal path to appear. But it never does. Because we forget that paths are made by walking, not waiting.” - MarcandAngel
Go live life.