Having an ikigai that is balanced in the main 4 areas is essential to a full life. It takes work. It takes patience. It takes you being honest with yourself.
The 4 areas of ikigai are:
- What you love
- What you’re good at
- What you can be paid for
- What the world needs
When one of these areas are off, we start to feel unfulfilled and despise elements missing as if our time is being wasted. You may see people totally capable of doing a job, getting too dollar for it, and the next thing you know, they have quit. They didn’t love it. They move on to try to fill the gap. You’ll find people searching for their true place in life when the 4 areas are not being met. It even starts to become hard to do some of the tasks that we know we should be doing. Value in the things we are trying to accomplish diminishes.
Procrastination - to voluntarily delay an intended course of action, despite expecting to be worse off for the delay.
Even though we delay, we know what we should be doing, and this too, We know that what we should be doing is better in most cases or even needed, is usually better than what we are currently doing in its place.