Finding our ikigai in our lives will stem from the things that are important to us. Everyone is different, so no one’s ikigai will be exactly the same. Some will serve the community using their talent because that is all they will focus on. Some will try to change the world by using every ounce of everything they own, it all comes down to the balance of the four essential elements:
- What you love
- What you are good at
- What you feel your purpose is
- How you view the world and it’s needs
Value placement in each area will have you lean a certain way to a certain group of people. If you are focused-heavy on what you love and nothing else, you will do things just for you, and no one else outside of your interests will get to get close to you. Same as the other four. But when there is a balance in the four, the value you place reaches a wider demographic of people you want to serve.
So when trying to discover what your ikigai is, let’s start at the point of what are your most sentimental values?
And think of this too: In what areas do you think you add the most value?
Also as we are thinking inwardly, what are the small things that give you pleasure?
At the very base of our ikigai, it is all about discovering, defining, and appreciating those life's pleasures that have meaning for us. It is OK if no one else shares our values, because pursuing our own joys inwardly often leads to the outward rewards that the world benefits from.