Today we look at Excess Processing:
Where in business, this focuses on products that must be repaired to satisfy customers needs after the production of the product has been completed. In simpler terms, having to go back and get stuff right when it should have been right the first time. Somewhere in the production line something is amiss or not inspected, and cutting corners may cost you you more time and money in the long run.
Today in our personal lives I’d like to continue the thought we started last episode. Over producing thoughts to where is delays or hinders us from our ikigai, the things we were born to do.
What can lead to this over producing is excess processing. Excess processing comes from the over-abundance of information offered or available to us that enables us to think entirely too much on things we don’t need to entertain.
Don’t get me wrong, the more info we have the better chance we have making the right decisions. But this “information overload” is by design. Now, you find a ton of information to support whatever you decide you feel you want. Even if it is wrong. Look at masks, if you feel it is good, bad, or indifferent about wearing a mask, you will find data, statistics, groups, science, whatever you want to support you. The overload causes you to feel comfortable in your decisions, even when later on down the road you may change and regret the things that supported you.
Remember this, whoever controls the information influences or even controls the opinions and thoughts of the people taking it in. The thoughts will ultimately dictate their behaviors, so most definitely look to see where and who is behind all of the information you are receiving.