Today’s focus will be on eliminating wasteful inventory.
In business, this is where what you have produced, sits on the shelf. If it has a shelf life, it must be sold or it will be no good. Even if it doesn’t, it must be stored at a cost, and kept safe and protected. This all will be at a cost to your business when you cannot sell what you have over produced.
In your personal life, materialistically speaking, the wasteful inventory can be the things that we accumulate and do not need. But keeping in line of what we’ve been talking about over the last 2 episodes, inventory of information and the thoughts we have produced from that.
You see, God has given us this unique ability to almost make anything happen we have the idea for. Not only that, but if we don’t know something, we can pretty much find a tutorial video or look for the subject on our favorite search engine. Remember, everything that ever was came from a thought first.
Many of us will have an idea that must be introduced to this world and acted upon. But what happens is that these ideas will sit in someone’s mental inventory, collecting dust, or the shelf life expiries. Since the ideas must be introduced and acted upon, many will have the same idea or improve on it and the law of averages says that someone will get it, and run with it.
Let that someone be you! What is that idea that the world needs? What ideas do you have that speaks to your purpose, passion, mission, skills?
Do not let it become wasteful inventory!