What you hold on to weighs you down.
There is a positive and a negative side of this statement.
We hold on to things we get along the journey of life. A good experience here, a mistake there, and all of these things we have picked up are stored in our mind. The thoughts we choose to think about are usually derived from the things we are holding on to. Even when they are not true, they can hold us down.
If someone says I’m fat, if I hold on to it long enough, I’ll become what I think about. Even if I lose weight I’m still fat in my mind, and I’m being crushed under the weight of that thought I’m holding.
Same can happen on a positive note. If someone says I do something well and it makes me feel great and I hold on to it, my mind will try to live up to what I believe and the difference is I’m not under the weight (unless it becomes something I don’t want anymore). I am standing on this weight so it can be a firm foundation.
The lesson is this. Do not hold on to words and experiences that are not yours. We have a choice. Some are easy, some are very difficult to let go, but to live free you must do What is right for you, and give the junk to God who is willing to trade your righteousness (all your stuff you think you need) for His. (What we actually need)