This morning as I was walking, my devotional’s title was, “Attitude Matters”, and after that, today’s episode from Earl Nightingale, “Attitude towards a better tomorrow”, do you think God was trying to tell me something?
I thought of an old Instagram post I made from 2017 that said, “Your attitude will often determine your altitude”. Yesterday I gave an example of 2 people selling the same product to the same demographic. The difference would be motivation, which ultimately leads to their attitude:
- Towards life
- Towards the job (which is an opportunity)
- Towards peers (people you work with)
- Towards customers (anyone who you serve, family, friends, customers…)
The most important thing I understood this morning was this little nugget:
Opportunities come from problems, or, Every problem is an opportunity in disguise! I’ve always heard through every mentor that opportunity is always there, you have to see it. I’ve always heard it and thought it to be true, but could never quite grasp the vision they were seeing. But today, I see it. I hope this helps you too.
Problems never stop coming up. We are surrounded everyday by problems small and large, simple and complex.
Our ATTITUDE allows us to see all of these problems as opportunities!
Remember, everything that makes money is a solution to a problem.
So get this. Problems are all around us. All day everyday. Our attitude allows us to see them as opportunities, which in turn gives us the ability to find the solutions. People seek solutions, in fact, they pay for solutions.
Think of it, if you pay for something, it is solving a problem. Food for your case of the munchies. A subscription to watch your favorite movies or tv shows to entertain your boredom. Gas to run your car, anything you pay for, solves a problem. That problem was someone’s opportunity to help you, and help them too. But to get to that step, they had to be able to see it first, not just complain.