Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Ikigai Pillar 3: Harmony and Sustainability
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
Tuesday Nov 23, 2021
So far we use kaizen and kodawari to start small with high standards in the details in the things we do. Next is acceptance and releasing yourself. This is Wabi Sabi choosing to accept your imperfections and use them to define how wonderfully different you are. And now harmony and sustainability.
One of the great things you’ll notice when are flowing in your ikigai is that things you do come together with harmony and sustainability.
Harmony - an agreement or concord forming a pleasing and consistent whole.
Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. I think of it as being a perpetual state or system where needs are met without constant outside influences.
In relationships, I think of this scripture:
“It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, But if there’s no one to help, tough! Two in a bed warm each other. Alone, you shiver all night. By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 MSG
But overall my favorite scripture would be:
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28 NKJV
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Ikigai Pillar 2: Accepting and Releasing Yourself
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Awakening your ikigai pillar 2
Starting small was the first pillar, and small steps to improvement is the essence of kaizen. Also in starting small we took care of the small things, the details. Kodawari is the high standard we have in what we love and do that takes care of the little things, because we love what we love.
Another pillar in our ikigai is releasing yourself. Releasing yourself to be you and accepting who you are. This is Wabi Sabi at its core. It’s finding perfection in the imperfections and knowing that you were fearfully and wonderfully made the way you are on purpose.
When I first started high school I spent a lot of time trying to fit in, trying to like what everyone else liked, and hang out doing what the crowd would do, good or bad. Not a very good time. I met a few kids who I noticed was always happy and nothing seemed to bother them. I wanted that. What I discovered was this: they didn’t care about anything but what they liked. And that was just to find the food and funny in everything. So I joined them and accepted that I liked to laugh and draw and be silly, instead of fighting, smoking, stealing, and running from police.
I released me from being like them, to accepting that I like the me that made me happy. The world became a weird and wonderful adventure from then on.
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Kodawari: Your Ikigai At Work
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
The essence of your personal ikigai working for you lies within five things happening within your ikigai framework.
Starting Small
Releasing Yourself
Harmony and Sustainability
The Joy of the Little Things
Being in the Here and Now
Kodawari is the commitment to doing the things you are called to do to a high standard or level of quality. It is all in the details. The very small things that matter to you because you were called to do this, and no one can be you better than you because of it.
In Wabi Sabi we understand that we may not be perfect, but we have a sense of what perfect is when we have the five working together within our living our lives.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Getting Up Earlier
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
One of the many meanings of ikigai is the reason you get out of bed in the morning. Today, we are going to get a little head start on accomplishing things in our day by starting to get up earlier. One of the things about fall that I like about this country is the time change. We set our clocks back an hour and what we do with that extra hour is up to you! You can sleep in, (but your body’s rhythm will probably not allow you to do it) but I wanted to suggest this: keep your pattern. If you wake up at six, maybe take 30 minutes and wake up at 5:30 until spring. Why?
That 30 minutes gives you an extra 30 minutes to accomplish more of your day. That’s also an extra 2 and a half hours during the work week to get things done, or to think, or to exercise, or whatever! In a 4 week period, on just the weekdays for 30 minutes, you’ve gained an extra 10 hours to whatever you devoted that time to.
Your brain is at its finest when you first get up, your day has been cleared, your mind is fresh, you haven’t been bombarded with all of the negative emotions and energy from people who demands your attention, and you can think. If it was just 30 minutes. Can you see the potential that 30 minutes has for your trajectory?
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Enjoying the little things
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
There are many facets to discovering and understanding your own personal ikigai. We have to take time to examine our lives and notice the little things. More than likely, you function in your ikigai everyday, but since there’s is no emphasis on it, it doesn’t seem strong enough to fulfill your mission, purpose, and vision, for your life.
I think back to when I went to a certain class on relationships and the counselors there broke down the psychology of men and women, different personalities, and why people do the things they do. It was the greatest class I’ve really been through, and it may be why I’m still married after 26 years now. But i chose to listen and apply the strategies, logic, and reasoning. And the person next to me, probably didn’t make it. In fact, some didn’t even finish the class. It’s what speaks to you, and what you do with it.
Pay attention to what you are telling yourself about your everyday life. The little things matter.
What are some little things do you do that brings joy throughout your day?
What are some little things that seem to cause stress and anxiety?
What are some little steps to accomplish or small things to make happen to make you feel better about the day?
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Value Placement
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Finding our ikigai in our lives will stem from the things that are important to us. Everyone is different, so no one’s ikigai will be exactly the same. Some will serve the community using their talent because that is all they will focus on. Some will try to change the world by using every ounce of everything they own, it all comes down to the balance of the four essential elements:
What you love
What you are good at
What you feel your purpose is
How you view the world and it’s needs
Value placement in each area will have you lean a certain way to a certain group of people. If you are focused-heavy on what you love and nothing else, you will do things just for you, and no one else outside of your interests will get to get close to you. Same as the other four. But when there is a balance in the four, the value you place reaches a wider demographic of people you want to serve.
So when trying to discover what your ikigai is, let’s start at the point of what are your most sentimental values?
And think of this too: In what areas do you think you add the most value?
Also as we are thinking inwardly, what are the small things that give you pleasure?
At the very base of our ikigai, it is all about discovering, defining, and appreciating those life's pleasures that have meaning for us. It is OK if no one else shares our values, because pursuing our own joys inwardly often leads to the outward rewards that the world benefits from.
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Source and Resource
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Our ikigai trickles little by little or like a flood into our work and lifestyle when we “go with the flow”. The flow is that where space and time seem to no longer bind you as you are doing the very thing you were called to do at that very moment. You are no longer just you. You are the ultimate version of you. Ultimate Super Sayan you.
That “flow” manifests itself when what you love, what you do best, meets how you see the world, and make a difference in it. When these things start to align and balance you will definitely start to see your flow come naturally through your everyday life. The more they balance, the heavier the flow.
To get to this point, the elements of our ikigai have to be our source and our resource. The mission and purpose that God has given us has to be foundation and source for us to accomplish our vision. As we work on ourselves from the source, we will be provided the resources and opportunities to further develop our craft to make it better and get more proficient at whatever it is we have set out to do.
But at the start of it all is knowing our ikigai. And that is the focus of the next few talks. We will be looking into the book “Awakening Your Ikigai”.
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Mind is willing but the flesh is weak
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
A strong mindset can determine what you are able to accomplish, but the intensity of the struggle between the mind and body will dictate how fast you’ll get there, depending which one is in control.
If you are led by the body, you will see that the body:
Will give up without much of a fight when things get hard.
Will always look for the easy route and cut corners.
Will look for immediate gratification despite the consequences.
The difference is mind is lead by the spirit, and the body is led by fleshy desires.
The mind:
Has no physical form so it doesn’t want the the same things the body does.
Makes decisions based on the spirit, faith, and logical things that makes sense to it.
Uses faith to make the impossible come forth, and bring things from mental into the physical.
I have a sign next to my computer that says, “Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible