
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Mind is willing but the flesh is weak
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
A strong mindset can determine what you are able to accomplish, but the intensity of the struggle between the mind and body will dictate how fast you’ll get there, depending which one is in control.
If you are led by the body, you will see that the body:
Will give up without much of a fight when things get hard.
Will always look for the easy route and cut corners.
Will look for immediate gratification despite the consequences.
The difference is mind is lead by the spirit, and the body is led by fleshy desires.
The mind:
Has no physical form so it doesn’t want the the same things the body does.
Makes decisions based on the spirit, faith, and logical things that makes sense to it.
Uses faith to make the impossible come forth, and bring things from mental into the physical.
I have a sign next to my computer that says, “Faith does not make things easy, it makes them possible

Monday Oct 25, 2021
You head in the direction you are looking
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
I was driving my golf cart this weekend looking at the sights and noticed that the cart would go in the direction I was looking. So when I wasn’t looking at the road, i kept going off of it. I wanted to talk about that today.
“We walk by faith and not by sight” - 2 Corinthians 5:7
As I was sitting in my thinking chair this experience and scripture came up. Then my favorite radio ad of all time that lives rent free in my head played right after it. It says this:
“Erik Weihenmayer knew the risks. Less than 1200 people had ever conquered Mount Everest and more than 175 had died trying. But still he climbed not seeing the terrifying drops or the fear on other faces. And when he reached the summit he didn't even see the view because Erik Weihenmayer is blind. He proved it doesn't take sight to reach the top. It takes... Vision….Pass It On.” - This message is a courtesy of The Foundation for a Better Life at Pass It On.com.
Life is a lot like the golf cart. We steer it into the direction we’re looking. So we must be looking into the direction of our vision, which is ahead, and not on the sights around us, which can make us distracted and veer off course.
Another scripture says this “set your mind on things above…” let your vision guide you to where you are to go, and you will always be moving forward in that direction.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Kaizen and dealing with people
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
When dealing with others today, consider the emotional bank account. Even if we do not know the person, (which makes it easier because we are not starting with a negative balance) we can make the first step by making deposits right off the bat!
Here a few things to consider if things are starting to south in relationships or encounters with others.
Big problems usually are a sum of a bunch of little problems. Remember lingchi, the relationship may be on its 999th cut. One more can be the death of it. To dig deep and discover the many cuts you will have to have an hansei session, look at your emotional bank account, and apply the “five whys” to peel back layers of mistakes.
Both parties need to make deposits. Thinking ahead can often give you insight on what is to come. The closer you become in a relationship, the more you’ll know what can make them happy. But be careful, the more expectation grows on both sides to know what to do too. So it’s going to cost you a little more to make that deposit.
Acceptance. There has to be a level of acceptance to things that cannot be changed in a person for it to work. If there seems to be a little quirk about the person that is going to be a deal breaker, have the hard conversation and be upfront because we only delay the inevitable by pretending something is okay when it’s not. The small things you were able to look over before will not cut it now.
Making generous deposits are really smart investments into your own happiness and future in the relationships with others!

Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Revisit your vision
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Tuesday Oct 12, 2021
Last night I was encouraged to revisit my vision, to keep it before me so I can chase after it. It’s hard to chase after something that was once in front of you, but now in a notebook on a shelf fading away due to time…
It all started with at church where Pastor Eric Clark encouraged us with one of the main scriptures was coming from Habakkuk 2:3:
“For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.”
He also added two things:
You are closer now than when you started
Remember why you started
As I had a little mini hansei session, I reflected on this in my thinking chair, I am thankful for coming this far. But I had to look at the vision, and see what is on track, and what is extra I just added that looked good. I’ve added new tools to my arsenal to get me to where I want to go, so I wanted you to do the same for yours.
Applying this kaizen approach to our vision:
Remember that our vision can suffer death from 1,000 cuts. It can slowly but surely be snuffed out if we unintentionally pay no attention to it.
Hansei is the looking over the vision and trying to see how we can get there in a way we can handle. This is keeping it before us so we do not lose sight of it. Motivation and momentum is the force that keeps us moving forward and how fast we’ll get there.
The Seven Mudas helps us to streamline the process by eliminating time wasters that delay and deter us from being the best we can be.

Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Eliminating Defects
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Our last of the Seven Mudas is eliminating wasted time and resources due to defects. From a business standpoint, this is when You have products that require rework because they are not functioning the way they were designed to. Every step in production after the finished product will have to be delayed because the product has to go back and be repaired or redone. It’s good to get the kinks out when starting, but when your system is up and running and you have to stop because things aren’t working out right, delays will cost you time and money.
In our personal lives defects are a little different. There are 3 areas I wanted to focus on for this one. Defects are the mistakes or flaws we have in our thinking, results of our actions, and attitude towards life in general.
Remember it all starts with a thought. In our thinking, we’ll often develop defects due to the information we are feeding on. This is why it is important to check sources of info, and also the motives behind those sources. Most people believe in and act on those things they believe in because they feel that the information they have on a particular subject is true and lines up with their belief system.
Now, if the thought process is flawed, next will be the actions. We will say and do things that will line up with the thoughts produced. Many times if we look at our actions or things we have said and believe them to be flawed or defective, we can trace it back to where we got the information from. What was the intention of the foundation of that belief? Just a thought.
Those thoughts and actions will make up the attitude towards life and others. This is where we circle back to our main focus in this life we are living: Wabikigai! Wabi-sabi, Ichigo ichie, ikigai.
Wabi Sabi: appreciating and finding perfection in imperfection.
Ichigo Ichie: Enjoying every moment and meeting as a once in a lifetime event
Ikigai: finding the reason for being, and allowing that to be the source for a long, fulfilled life.
With this, always check for defects or flaws, and make sure the lessons life is teaching you are being learned. Many of the defects we experience are the very things we are to correct to make us better versions of ourselves.

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Wasteful Inventory
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Today’s focus will be on eliminating wasteful inventory.
In business, this is where what you have produced, sits on the shelf. If it has a shelf life, it must be sold or it will be no good. Even if it doesn’t, it must be stored at a cost, and kept safe and protected. This all will be at a cost to your business when you cannot sell what you have over produced.
In your personal life, materialistically speaking, the wasteful inventory can be the things that we accumulate and do not need. But keeping in line of what we’ve been talking about over the last 2 episodes, inventory of information and the thoughts we have produced from that.
You see, God has given us this unique ability to almost make anything happen we have the idea for. Not only that, but if we don’t know something, we can pretty much find a tutorial video or look for the subject on our favorite search engine. Remember, everything that ever was came from a thought first.
Many of us will have an idea that must be introduced to this world and acted upon. But what happens is that these ideas will sit in someone’s mental inventory, collecting dust, or the shelf life expiries. Since the ideas must be introduced and acted upon, many will have the same idea or improve on it and the law of averages says that someone will get it, and run with it.
Let that someone be you! What is that idea that the world needs? What ideas do you have that speaks to your purpose, passion, mission, skills?
Do not let it become wasteful inventory!

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wasteful Excess Processing
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Today we look at Excess Processing:
Where in business, this focuses on products that must be repaired to satisfy customers needs after the production of the product has been completed. In simpler terms, having to go back and get stuff right when it should have been right the first time. Somewhere in the production line something is amiss or not inspected, and cutting corners may cost you you more time and money in the long run.
Today in our personal lives I’d like to continue the thought we started last episode. Over producing thoughts to where is delays or hinders us from our ikigai, the things we were born to do.
What can lead to this over producing is excess processing. Excess processing comes from the over-abundance of information offered or available to us that enables us to think entirely too much on things we don’t need to entertain.
Don’t get me wrong, the more info we have the better chance we have making the right decisions. But this “information overload” is by design. Now, you find a ton of information to support whatever you decide you feel you want. Even if it is wrong. Look at masks, if you feel it is good, bad, or indifferent about wearing a mask, you will find data, statistics, groups, science, whatever you want to support you. The overload causes you to feel comfortable in your decisions, even when later on down the road you may change and regret the things that supported you.
Remember this, whoever controls the information influences or even controls the opinions and thoughts of the people taking it in. The thoughts will ultimately dictate their behaviors, so most definitely look to see where and who is behind all of the information you are receiving.

Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Eliminating Wasteful Producing
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
In business, this waste is due to Overproduction: When there are more parts in the production line than customers are purchasing. Since the balance is off, where there is more time being wasted in the production of goods that will not be sold, time, money, and resources are not being utilized in different areas where they could make a difference to the company.
In our personal lives, this balance is upset in the the things we produce the most, our thoughts. We spend most of our day thinking of things that really does not matter, about people who really don’t care for what we are tying to do, and waste time and resources in areas that could utilized in better places to our benefit.
Actually, we can overstimulate ourselves to inaction. Overthinking scenarios how this can go this way or that, where we actually miss our window of opportunity to act. We even sometimes sit and think of problems and then think even further into it by coming up with excuses of why it is someone else’s fault and why it will never work in our favor.
Let’s press pause for a second.
Take a walk through your thought garden.
Enjoy this Ichigo Ichie.
Clear your mind from the things that will lead to procrastination:
Mentally Draining Thoughts
Negative Emotions
Thoughts that de-value things
Enjoy the place you are right now.
You are great, so enjoy the presence of greatness.
Ready? Go conquer and do the things you were called to do!