
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Re-educate yourself
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
Sunday Jun 20, 2021
When we think of education, we usually think of going to school. School is important, you learn a lot of things in school. But education, from the Latin has a combination of words that mean to: impact or mold into, bring up, and lead out. The settled meaning is usually to bring up from within.
So understanding this I wanted us to educate ourselves this weekend. Be taught as in the way of the tea ceremony, connecting meaning of your environment through the five senses.
Don’t just watch and learn from others through sight and sound, impact your consciousness through experiencing the smell of crisp clean air, touching the textures of different woods, tasting a new blend of tea by fixing your favorites. There is so much more to your education at any age than just sight and sound, watching and listening. But on that note, do both! But not with eyes and ears, but with your heart!

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Relate Yourself
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Today’s focus is on the customer:
Customer must be satisfied
Our rewards are in exact proportion to our service.
How you treat the customer will be in direct proportion to how great your reward will be.
Who is the customer?
What is the reward you are seeking?
Can this person provide this reward?
When we depend upon others as the customer, we expect full VIP treatment from them. Isn’t it a wonderful when the customer doesn’t have to demand service? How great would your reward be if you served the customer with VIP service when they come to you? Give your best. You reap what you sow.
Understand that rewards come in tangible and intangible ways. Many times both!
Make every encounter an ichigo ichie, make each moment count.
You never know what people are going through, so make it a point for you to be the high point of their day!
Good fortune is where our preparedness meets opportunities. Preparedness is the sum of our activities, actions, and positive intentions.
Reaping and sowing is law to be put to practice. Try it out!

Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Repurpose Yourself
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Repurpose Yourself
Repurpose means to to give a new purpose or use to.
Let’s repurpose ourselves to a new life, new level, and deeper walk.
Every purpose we have will have impact on the world. Even if it is just a ripple effect, every person you touch, has an affect on in someone, which will have an affect on someone else, and then someone else… Just from being with you.
In dealing with people to serve your purpose, there are 2 audiences: the Customer, and the Volunteer.
Customers are who you serve. Volunteers are customers that help you serve others.
Must satisfy both to be successful and they propel you forward in your purpose.
Both audiences want 3 things: recognition, stimulus, security. When you supply this to the audience you will find them pushing forward.
Your journey starts wherever you are and the road is uncharted, so you need help!
Remember to serve your purpose and walk in power!

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Re-Evaluate Yourself
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Re-evaluate yourself:
Take time to look at where you’ve come from.
Count your blessings.
Look at where you are.
Be thankful, but do not stay there.
Look at where you are going.
Know that you have the power to steer in the direction you want to go.
Revisit the success you accomplished.
Repeat the elements that made you successful.
Release those things that held you back.

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Regain Yourself
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Life is a constant up and down. Feel good and then depressed. Got that stimmy, then waiting on next pay day. Feeling great, and then sick then next day.
We all positively push and go up by leaps and bounds, and then negatively fall off or spiral down faster than all get out.
But there is a way to stay up. The concept is easy to understand, but the execution is hard.
It’s this: on the way up, we fight for what we want. We focus on the goal. We become what we think about. Keep that.
We fall because once we have arrived, or reached that goal, we are in danger. We stop fighting. We don’t have to focus, we stop thinking. So with trying to reach nothing, focused on nothing, and thinking about nothing, we become and end up with nothing.
When we start to slip re-shift and refocus.
Regain yourself!

Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Realize Yourself 2
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly."he realized his mistake at once"
cause (something desired or anticipated) to happen."his worst fears have been realized" / fulfill
give actual or physical form to."the stage designs have been beautifully realized"
make (money or a profit) from a transaction.
Realize that you are special. Stop comparing yourself to other people. A lot of trees look the same, but you can tell a tree by its fruit. Realize who you are and who’s you are.
Realize you are powerful. The words you possess in you can build someone up, or they can really cause great destruction.
The last 3 definitions for realize deals with manifestation:
Cause, make, give actual or physical form to.
One of your purposes or missions in life is to realize the vision God has given you. Have you ever thought about a seed? Everything needed to last while the tree is alive is packed in there. Once it matures, it will be able to give thousands of seeds of its kind, but all stemming from that one little seed.
Our visions are God’s seeds of what he wants us to do in the earth. We just have to “realize” it.

Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Realize Yourself
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly."he realized his mistake at once"
cause (something desired or anticipated) to happen."his worst fears have been realized" / fulfill
give actual or physical form to."the stage designs have been beautifully realized"
make (money or a profit) from a transaction.
Realize that you are special. Stop comparing yourself to other people. A lot of trees look the same, but you can tell a tree by its fruit. Realize who you are and who’s you are.
Realize you are powerful. The words you possess in you can build someone up, or they can really cause great destruction.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Re-Affirm Yourself
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Affirm - State as fact; validate, assert strongly and publicly, declare to be true.
Affirmations highly influence our thoughts and behaviors, to the point of becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is the sociopsychological phenomenon of someone "predicting" or expecting something, and this "prediction" or expectation coming true simply because the person believes it will and the person's resulting behaviors align to fulfill the belief.
Remember that everything you need is in this room. God was using me to speak to my cousin yesterday, I had to claim that the message was for me too! He said this to him:
“Believe that whatever you need is available to you, it’s on the other side of an idea. We are just one good idea from being millionaire. I pray for your million dollar ideas to come to you. Just stay prayed up!”