
Friday May 28, 2021
Re-Invent Yourself
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
So far the process has been like this:
Reiterate: communicating your vision and positive self talk.
Removing the hindrances in the way
Now with the clean slate, reinvesting your time and attention to prepare for the future.
Today, Reinventing yourself is the act of remodeling; renovation; restoration… you.
Set aside some time to look at yourself, and see if there are any improvements you can make.
Remember Wabi-Sabi, no one is perfect, in fact, we find God’s perfection in the little quarks of imperfections. Find improvements, not change imperfections.

Thursday May 27, 2021
Re-invest in Yourself
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
Investment definition:
to allocate resources in order to earn a financial return
to make use of for future benefits or advantages
to involve or engage especially emotionally
We all have been given 24 hours today, from 12am to 11:59:59pm. What we do with it is pretty much entirely up to the individual. Today’s readjustment I’d like for you to consider this:
allocate resources you have to secure a better future.
Make use of what you currently have, your experiences, and who you are to create leverage for yourself. (Sustainable thinking)
Involve yourself by intentionally doing what it takes to create the future you want to have.
It starts with belief in yourself, and this confidence is built by seeing the value you have, by seeing yourself through God’s eyes.

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Remove from Yourself
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
take (something) away or off from the position occupied.
eliminate or get rid of.
a degree of remoteness or separation.
As we walk through this life we tend to accumulate things. I imagine everyone starting out with a small backpack. As time goes by we pick up this habit here, and maybe a bad decision and consequences there… but there comes a time we need to sit down and remove the things slowing us down.
Especially the things that keep us away from our purpose/ ikigai, and those the things that have us stuck in the past. We have to remove them out of our inventory.
How? Really face them. Deal with them in a way that you take it away from you, and place it in God’s hands. (And no take backs)

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Reiterate to yourself
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Reiterate Definition: say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
When I was thinking of this, I thought of how many forgotten promises I’ve made to myself. Or how many words from the Lord I’ve brushed away because I never acted on them.
Today’s word kinda just dropped in my head as I was thinking, to remind me to remind me. To say those promises I’m trying to stand on until they come or get adjusted. To keep searching for the next step in what I’m telling myself.
We do this for emphasis, or to hype ourselves up, to give us the energy boost to build momentum so whatever comes our way, we have enough force behind us to steamroll right over any obstacle.
The other part is for clarity. The more something is communicated, the better clarity you have in trying to understand what is being said. If you have a vision, communicating it to yourself can come in many ways, vision boards, self talk, studying… but the more you focus on it, the clearer it will become.
What are you telling yourself today?
Say that again!

Monday May 24, 2021
Re-Plant Yourself
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
There comes a time that we dig in and stay grounded in our ways, and “not be moved”.
This is good, but it’s only based on the knowledge of what we knew then. That was yesterday. That was when the times were like so. But today is a new day. Yesterday is in the books. If you are constantly growing, you are constantly hitting new heights.
We will eventually outgrow our pot, and will have to be replanted if we are to continue to grow healthy and strong.
This is especially true for all my new graduates out there. Continue to grow and do what you’ve been called to do. Don’t worry about the rest.
“Rather than living our lives for the approval of others, we must live our lives for an audience of one. Remember, no matter how much the heat is turned up with the pressures to conform, God has given us everything we need to challenge the norm so that we can stand up and stand out for our Lord.” -Rodney & Michelle Gage

Friday May 21, 2021
Redeem Yourself
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
Verb, so it requires action:
1.) compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something).
2.) gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment.
Let the redeemed say so.
Redeeming yourself is a quest for compensating for our faults, and regaining the position of control over our own lives.
Spiritually, the only way to do this is through God’s redeeming power.
Mentally, the only way to do it is to have a positive power source that gives you the mental fortitude to withstand life’s lessons.

Thursday May 20, 2021
Rearrange Yourself
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
As I was sitting in my thinking chair… I was thinking of how for us to accomplish things we have to alter the arrangement of the things we have setup for ourselves. I was drinking water at the time. Water is a must. It cleans the system, flushes toxins, hydrates the body. But it carries no nutritional value. ZERO.
So for me to drink water like I want, I must also eat healthier to get the nutrients I need.
So for me to eat healthier I have to cut out the junk that I’m eating.
So for me to cut out the junk, I need to have healthy options in place so I won’t have the chance to pick the quicker fast food choice when I want something to eat.
Notice for me to start on a new path how much rearranging must happen?
“For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?” Luke 14:28
When you step into your vision and purpose be prepared to make rearrangements to make room for success.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Reconnect Yourself
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Remembering all the inspiring things I had going on, and how I was being brought out from situations that may have taken me out, the greatest thing I needed each time was to reconnect.
Connections are everything.
My 3 most important connections:
Connection to God. The author and finisher of my faith. I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength, but first, I have to have a connection.
Connection to the real me. As I said before know who I am and seeing a place for myself gives me a purpose and ikigai to fulfill. Connecting on the me that I only want people to see can only last so long, and the real me and you will always surface at some point.
Connection to others. The connections to others allows me to let God live out our partnership through me and I get to be a part of the impact of my circle of influence. I get to help others grow, deepen their faith walk, and enjoy life.
If a connection gets broken, we need to reconnect on a positive note to thrive and flourish in this short span of time we have with each other.