
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Refocus Yourself
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Refocus -
I was reading my devotion this morning, it started like this:
“From the very moment we wake up thoughts begin to fill our mind and they form the attitude and altitude of our day. We have the opportunity and responsibility to choose the direction of our thoughts. Today choose to replace those thoughts of worry, anxiety and negativity with the truth of God’s word.”
We need to Re-Center, and Re-focus.
The difference is centering aligns you in the will. Focusing is choosing to keep positive.
For example, not everyone is against you. Though at times it may seem this way, but take a closer look. Sometimes, your thoughts on the way things should be and the things you want to do haven’t made enough impact on someone else enough for them to care. So if they’re putting themselves first over you might mean to that what they want is important. Can you blame them?

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Re-center Yourself
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
We tend to stray from our power source. Re-centering will allow us to put firsts things first, and not be so side tracked by the shiny things. Having the correct center produces inner strength and will power to do what you think is right, or to press on even when you are tired.
Re-centering allows you to reclaim time you are losing when understand who you are and whose you are. Knowing and understanding allows you to make adjustments for prioritizing what is important to your ikigai, which releases you from the things slowing you down that really has nothing to do with you, your passions, and your purpose.

Friday Apr 23, 2021
Successful Days with options
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
To live a full ikigai life, be intentional with your days from start to end. By being intentional, start the rough draft of your day with a mind map of how it will go. That’s common practice. Here is what I was thinking of when I got up this morning: Options. I’m pretty flexible, but the more options I have planned for, the more successful I feel because I considered a plan be for success from the get go.
I’ll plan to do option 1 today. But I’ll also say if something happens, this is on the back burner, and I also can do this and this and come back to option 1. Planning my day out like this will keep me from crashing and burning when option 1 (which hardly ever works out the way I planned) does not pan out.
Set your day up today with different options working together, and when obstacles get in your way, you blow right by them because you are unstoppable!
#ikigai #moai #wabisabi #ichigoichie #wabikigai #kaizen #UnBlockYourself #mindset #kinstugi #greatness

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Learned vs. Feelings
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
This morning as I was thanking God for being God I was telling him thank you for helping me through my day yesterday, and thanks in advance for a wonderful day today.
But suddenly I was stopped. “What did you learn yesterday?” I had to think. I said, “How awesome the breeze felt, it felt like a gentle refreshing touch from You Lord.” And I heard it again, “But what did you learn?” Quick with the praise again, “I’m blessed. We have an abundance of things, and I appreciate being able to give out of the overflow.”
Silence. Nothing. I re-thought the question.
Here are some things:
Yesterday I noticed I’m not as strong as I used to be. I need help, and it’s ok to depend on others.
I learned that when I do things out of frustration, I do them without thought. When I do things without thought, I get hurt.
I probably could go on, but that was 2 for 2.
What have you learned from yesterday?

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Positioned to Build
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Yesterday we positioned ours to receive. As you receive, take into consideration of how you can use your established position to help others. In an interview with Chad from 4 & 20 Bakers yesterday, he said, “find a mentor, be a mentor!” This really embodies the position thought.
Position yourself to receive. Find mentors who can help you get to where you want to go.
Next, position yourself to be able to give. Allow those special people God sends to you to learn from you. Take the blessing of being blessed to bless others so they also can blessings to others. This is what builds strong communities, of people where they live, and of friends who are able to help meet the needs of their circle.
Many people do not build up others because they're not in the position to build. We need to give to others out of the overflow of what we have, not forcing ourselves to produce what we wish we had because someone else asks for it. This will produce anxiety, anger, and anguish towards the person you are trying to help.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
HowYou Position Yourself
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Have you ever wondered why this person is so lucky? Or why does opportunity always show up in front of this person? I believe God is constantly placing good things in front of us but we have to be in the position to receive.
How many times have you thought man if I just knew... This is where being present and connected comes in. A lot of the troubles we experience comes from being position incorrectly, and we see opportunities go by. Or you happen to be in a great place for trouble to come tap you on the shoulder.
Connecting ourselves to peace, hope, faith, kindness, etc. builds a web of opportunity for ourselves to catch the good things of God! We place ourselves in the position to be able to see and be seen.

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Tiny Questions
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
The kaizen approach to answering big questions is to break it down into smaller, even tiny micro questions that can be answered truthfully and quickly.
The amygdala, or Fight or flight:
What’s happens when we try to tackle big questions that we cannot think to answer, there is a safe guard in part of the brain that will trip like a circuit breaker, and cause you to shut down and put it away for later when it feels like it is too big to handle.
The brain loves questions, and tries to answer everyone of them. When there is a overload, it shuts it down. BUT! If you can break the big questions into tiny little questions, you can answer those and piece them together like a puzzle. This will bypass the safety switch in the brain and allows you to answer with info you can use.
When you think of ikigai, if you ask yourself, “what is my reason for being alive right now?”
Most people who haven’t figured it out will shut down and won’t even try to answer. But if you broke it into tiny questions like, “right now what is my absolute most favorite thing to do?” You should be able to answer that with not very much thought. Pair that with “what kind of unique talent do I think I have?” And the. You start to see an ikigai pattern emerge.

Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Choose your words wisely
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
As I was getting up this morning, I don’t know if I was dreaming or just groggy from waking up, but the word “fortify” kept coming up over and over in my head. Half asleep, I imagined myself sitting in my thought garden, choosing words to build up around me.
As I start to build I already had a foundation of rocks there waiting on me. Faith, serenity, balance, peace, harmony, and hope are my main rocks in the garden.
I also add protection, love, strength, wisdom, understanding, and preparedness to the list. Now this is before I got out of bed. Now that I’m awake, I read a devotional to get my day started. This was a snip of it:
“”Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.” Ephesians 4:29 KJV
Sow words of grace. Sow words of kindness. Sow words of wisdom into others. Your words can build up or tear down. John 6:63 KJV declares, “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” Speak life. Choose to build up others with your words.
Choose to edify and build up one another. Let no corrupt or foul communication proceed from your mouth. Let your words minister to the heart of others. Consider your words before you speak. “ - Do good unto all men devotional