
Friday Jan 22, 2021
No Objective Leads To No End
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
No objective leads to no end.
So today we will revisit our goals for the year.
We want to make them S.M.A.R.T.
When we are in our feels and emotions run high, we might say this year my goal is to be a light; or I’m going to be a positive change in the community.
Very admirable for sure, but what does it mean?
How will you know if you’ve accomplished it?
What is the end result?
A lot of times we fail at completing goals because they become never ending. Since there is no clear objective, we start out towards the goal and keep running until we run out. Out of gas, many get frustrated and either quit, say to themselves they could never do it, or put off the goal for other time, like never.
A Coach’s (mentors, pastors, accountability partners, etc.) main function is to coach the habits and behaviors, so the results will be more positive in the direction of the Coachee.
So from now on, we’re going to tweak our habits for better results!
Habit tweak for the day:
Set or change your goal to be:
Reword your goals in this fashion, and it will be a 1,000 times easier to create an action plan for each one!
An action plan is your goal broken down into 3 or 4 simple smaller steps.
So instead of, I’m going to be a positive change in the community... maybe,
In February, I am going to volunteer in my church’s food drive 2 times.
It’s specific, can be done, bound by time, and it’s relevant to what you want to do.

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Change Behavior, Change Results
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Change behavior, change results.
We want this year to be different. A fresh start. A new look. Success. Have you hit the ground running? Are you starting to see results?
The old cliche says, “if you do what you’ve always done, then you’re gonna get what you always got.”
Intentions may be high, and we can hype ourselves up, but habits are usually stronger than intentions. What I want us to do this year is change our behaviors. To do this, we have to form habits by repeatedly doing the things that bring us the results we are looking for. Many people know what they want, but aren’t strong enough or have the will to pay the price.
Coaching you to success means coaching you through some of the habits you have, and if I can influence the habits, I definitely will be able to influence your results. Your habits and behaviors are the things in your subconscious working themselves out in your actions, bringing you the results you’ve been getting.
Let’s go higher! Let’s grab onto some proven successful philosophies to improve our behaviors, and watch how much the quality of our lives improves too! I’m a living witness to this!
“Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD ’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Improving Your Results
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Improving your results
Today I have on my coaching hat, and I wanted you to understand who I am, what I’m doing and why I’m doing it.
First, we have to start with why. I feel God has shown me my place in this world. Every spiritual test I’ve taken has been towards teaching, and with that, coaching and training has been ingrained in my being. Now, here’s the why: You. For me to make this world a better place, I shine my light in helping you find the results you are looking for.
That’s the simple answer: I want to help you get to where you want to be, to your best self.
Here is the how.
We only retain about 17% of what we’re taught. That 17% is what makes it from the conscious to the subconscious. That number doesn’t seem like a lot, but from that, (what you know you know) you make your decisions, actions, and automatic behaviors.
A coach is special. A coach leads and guides on a conscious and subconscious level. The Coachee usually is attentive and will listen on both levels, and will try actions and behaviors on the suggestion of the coach.
So my job and what I try to do is improve quality of thought, inspire your thoughts to aspire to higher achievements, yielding greater results for you to be the best version of yourself and for you to live your best life.
My purpose is being fulfilled when I’m helping people fulfill theirs.
My process for coaching looks like this:
Inspired Thoughts -> Meaningful Actions -> Desired Results.
My scriptures I’m standing on this year is this:
“We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it.
(So,) Put GOD in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.”
Proverbs 16:9,3 MSG

Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Faith Determination
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Faith Determination
Law of Determination: your ability to endure through setbacks and adversity is a measure of the belief you have in yourself and in your ability to succeed.
For determination and persistence to work for you, you have to know who you are, and have the faith that you are walking in what you are supposed to be doing. The moment you start to doubt in any of the two, that’s the moment your plans start to break down and fail.
So looking at Dr. King, how did he do it? How did what he believe in outlast him? I think a major problem element to his success was his belief in non-violence. Look at how his marches caused people to look at their walk in protest, but also their walks with God too.
The pledge of nonviolence written by Martin Luther King Jr., and signed by his marchers, 1963
As you prepare to march meditate on the life and teachings of Jesus
Remember the nonviolent movement seeks justice and reconciliation - not victory.
Walk and talk in the manner of love; for God is love.
Pray daily to be used by God that all men and women might be free.
Sacrifice personal wishes that all might be free.
Observe with friend and foes the ordinary rules of courtesy.
Perform regular service for others and the world.
Refrain from violence of fist, tongue and heart.
Strive to be in good spiritual and bodily health.
Follow the directions of the movement leaders and of the captains on demonstrations.
Marchers had to be organized and focused, focused on who they were, what they were doing, and why they were doing it.
This caused them to fulfill the Law of Determination, giving them the ability to endure through setbacks and adversity.
With this power, we can apply it our walk in this life also!

Friday Jan 15, 2021
The Law of Persistence
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
The Law of Persistence
The Law of Persistence states that the longer you hold a belief in your mind, the stronger it gets, and like the Law of Determination, Persistence states that your ability to endure through setbacks and adversity is a measure of the belief you have in yourself and in your ability to succeed.
So, why keep going if everything seems to be against you? Why the fight?
I think in the back of your mind you know that God has called you to do and be something great. Along with that calling comes great opposition to the change of status of things.
When you pursue your greatness, you disrupt the order of things. Everyone around you has a plan or expectation for you, to serve in their purposes and they’ll run you into the ground if you let them. When you start to say, “hey, I’m going in this direction”, now you have a problem. You're not playing the game the right way anymore.
The thing you believe in MUST be backed by the faith you have in God, because He gave it to you, and yourself, because you are called to carry it out.
“We plan the way we want to live, but only GOD makes us able to live it.”
Proverbs 16:9 MSG

Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Grow-Giving Principles 7
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Grow-Giving Principle 7
My plan was to do one of the Seven Habits as a grow giving principle, so I researched last night and read, and read some more. Nothing seemed to fit the way I wanted it to. So what did I do? The first thing I should have done, sit down in my thinking chair and have a conversation.
I asked, “what would bring closure to this series?”, and I heard the single word: Release.
Actually out of the 50+ laws I’ve studied and learned about I’ve never heard of a law of release. But it sounds like one, and I don’t doubt for a second that I heard wrong. So I looked it up.
The Law of Release is applied when you let go of what you no longer want and need. By doing this you make way for the new and wanted into your life.
Release the negative to make way for positive
Release grudges and forgive to make way for building better or new relationships
Release some of the money going in the wrong direction to make way for wealth creation
The people and things that drain you to make way for the people and things that fill you and bring abundance
Release the clutter to make way for organization
Release guilt to make way for joy
Find ways to Release hurting the best way we can (because hurt people hurt people) to make way for healing. We slow down healing when we focus and hold on to hurt.
We are only here for a short time.
Intentionally live your life to make it meaningful to you and do the things that will leave a legacy, never being ashamed of your choices because you pleased God, and you also pleased yourself. What else matters?
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.”
Ecclesiastes 9:10 NKJV

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Grow-Giving Principles 6
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Grow-Giving Principle 6
The Law of Reversal can be applied in 2 ways: internal and external.
Action & Emotions
Emotions can dictate how we carry out our actions. But it can also work in reverse!
We can intentionally do things to create feelings. We can take a day off to go make memories, relax, recharge. You can choose to make someone smile.
In relationships, business, romantic, spiritual, etc... to understand the other party’s position more, put yourself in the other party’s position to get an idea for what they want, so you know how to deal with them. Clarity on both sides provides avenues for both parties to clearly negotiate terms, no matter what type of relationship it is.

Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Grow-Giving Principles 5
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Grow-Giving Principle 5
When we give, we know we things are given back to us in many ways, so today, I want you to be in the position ready to receive.
Not so much giving to receive (that is called an investment), no, but because we know when we give we will receive. There is a difference. But many do not position themselves to receive at all.
The law of receptivity
The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving. This is why I call this grow-giving.
There are 2 thoughts I have for this, the first BEING open to receive.
When I was younger I tried to never accept anything from anyone because I had to make it on my own. I needed to prove my worth. I didn’t want to owe anyone any favors they could hold over me.
This thought process all came to a crashing halt when a wise young lady lovingly scolded me when she said, “Boy! The Lord is trying to bless you and you keep pushing it away, pretty soon He’s gonna just stop giving you the chances.” Can you imagine? Just being cut off?
You have to be open. The next one is just as important. You have to stay in an open state to receive. There are all king of negative people and circumstances that can cause a heart to close. Mainly, the old saying, a closed fist never receives, is true. When you are holding on tight to everything you have been given, It’s hard to get more if you are closing yourself off to anything coming in.
The other thing that closes us up is negative people trying to steal or take advantage of us. I’m not saying it's ok or just let people walk all over you, what I want you to remember is not everyone is like that. Remain open to giving people a chance. Be open to give to people who need it. The takers have a way of taking away the desire to help anyone. But the Givers, focus on giving, not so much on who may be taking.
That’s why it's important to be a giver and not a taker.