
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Love What You Do
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Love what you do
The secret to the love of working comes from hope of success in that work. Not the time spent, nor the skill exercised, nor the money involved, but the end results of that work being successful.
What you do has meaning. That’s what you’re working for. The money you get is partly compensation for doing the things you love. Like a side effect you get from doing what you love to do. Actually, you would do it anyway because of your calling, but you get the side bonus of money that truly is a blessing.
Moving towards your success causes you to look at yourself. Are you just following the crowd? Even if you are just following the leader, doing whatever they do you will only be second best. Are you doing what you want to do, the way you want to do it?
If you continue to do things the way you do them now, how does success look in ten years?
Are you constantly growing and evolving, if not, you become a modern day dinosaur. Good ideas come and come again, but it’s the ones that you act upon that will be able to change your life.
Loving what you helps you accomplish your vision and the ideas and growth you implement in you daily doings will help you love what you do!

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Start Now!
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Start Now!
There’s a gap between how old we are and how we feel. There’s also a gap between what we have and what we want.
People think that age is critical to getting what they want, but it is how you are intentionally living, no matter the age, is mostly giving you everything you want.
What are you waiting for?
Are you waiting until you get older to do what you’re called to do?
Are you waiting for retirement, or the kids to be grown and out the house before you start?
If so, are you fulfilled as you wait?
Does this mean you HAVE TO be unfulfilled as you wait to be the person you are called to be?
For this reason, we have so many people who live unhappy, unfulfilled lives waiting for a time that may never come, and if it does, it would seem as if it was too late, because now they wish they were young.
The world needs people on every level, and at every age to show up. Putting off your purpose only creates a hole in your circle of influence, and your circle will try to fill it with anything it can find.
It’s never too late to start living your purpose. And you’ll find that it’s unending, when you achieve a milestone in your life, the next one is ready to get started. Your vision is so large that it will take a lifetime to achieve it all.

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Give What You Want To Receive
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Give what you want to receive... Thinking on this I thought of investing.
What Is an Investment?
An investment is an asset or item acquired with the goal of generating income or appreciation. Appreciation refers to an increase in the value of an asset over time. When an individual purchases a good as an investment, the intent is not to consume the good but rather to use it in the future to create wealth. An investment always concerns the outlay of some asset today—time, money, or effort—in hopes of a greater payoff in the future than what was originally put in. -Investopedia by James Chen
Spiritual investments work along the same lines, but we invest the goods or items by placing them into God’s hands. We can expect a return on it because the Bible stated, “Give and I give it back to you, pressed down shaken together running over...
Meaning you will get more back than what you gave.
This also enacts the law of reaping and sowing.
So, if you want more of something, invest what you have with faith, knowing you will get a return.
If I want respect, I have to show it, and that’s sowing. Money, quality time with family, followers on social media...
I have to invest what I want. And trust the return is coming back better than what I put in.

Monday Dec 07, 2020
Reflecting After An Accomplishment
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Reflecting after the tips from #UnBlockYourself 49
Today I reached a personal goal, from 227 to under 200 lbs!
Some of the things I did to accomplish it:
I used a vision board program on my phone to keep the goal in front of me
I also mentally broke it down to smaller pieces to make milestones to celebrate. 220, 215, 210, 205, 200…
This is something I was able to accomplish with the help of the Lord, my family, and encouragement of my friends!
Here are the tips to accomplish your goals...
#UnBlockYourself 49
1 write it down - “if it’s not written it’s not real” Dr. Stacia Pierce
2 Create a vision Board to be your “dream carrot”
3 keep it in front of you
4 make it actionable- break it down in to smaller actionable steps
5 make your steps manageable and precise with a time line
6 Celebrate each step with a small reward
7 Take a small break in between each step if you need to, but go after the next step with full force like you did the first
8 Manage and track progress with yes or no questions and deadlines.
9 have someone keep you accountable
10 Really celebrate your accomplishment with others. Also share your testimony and journal how you did what you did!
#dream #vision #plan #goals #accomplish #success

Friday Dec 04, 2020
Apply Your Strength
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Apply Your Strength
We all have positive aspects embedded in our personalities. They may vary throughout your circle, but everyone has something to bring to the table.
Unfortunately, we spend so much time focused on the not-so-strong areas, that we forget to use the strong things we have in our day to day routines.
Today let’s use the strengths we have to make it a great day for everyone. Use your talents and gifts to increase in depth, duration, and frequency.
Depth, interactions with you make lives even better
Duration, quality time with you increases so the person can be in a state of learning for longer periods of time
Frequency, encounters with you happen more often, so the increases in each section builds better and much stronger connections.
We want to build strength for every relationship, but start with God and family. And whoever you want a deeper shared impact with.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Move Towards Acquisition
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Move Towards Acquisition
There is nothing you can acquire without making a move towards it.
Nisekoi Ep 15 Marie says this: “There is nothing you can acquire without making a move on your own.”
From acts of violent aggression (which is not good), to something being given to you, you have to make a move towards it to get it. And it has to be accepted for it to become yours.
You have to follow the rules.
Rules of engagement in acquisition. You communicate and interact with the vision and move towards acquiring it by paying the price.
If you go a more negative route, you will fall into the rules of entanglement. You skip the price and take it. You will see a lot of negative results because of your actions to acquire what you wanted.

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Do you remember the wonder twins?
They were a team where one could be any animal, and the other could any form of water.
What got me thinking about these two was they were special. They solved problems together by making the most of each other’s gift in a combination that would work.
Even if you feel that you aren’t the go-to player on your team, you are on the team for a reason and you are needed for the team to move forward.
If you don’t feel like your much to the team, you may not be. You may be blocking your greatness, thinking you can’t do anything.
The label you give yourself also becomes your limit.
A team is like a chain, and a chain is as good as its weakest link.
If that’s you, invest in yourself, you are worth it. Find a mentor, get out your comfort zone, plan out your growth.
For your team, build them up by seeing how you can help them become better.
The wonder twins had to make use of their very different gifts. Each by themselves could not accomplish hardly anything. They had to stick together and use each other to activate.

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Treasure Seekers
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Treasure Seekers
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matt 6:21
Have you ever noticed that the things we consider our treasure, pretty much will be the center of our lives?
Look at what and where you spend most of your money. Normally if I can follow the receipts, then more than likely I can tell you where your heart is. This is why marketing is so important to the social media world.
If they can help you form your opinion, and shape the way you spend, your heart will follow the trends that they set to go with your spending habits.
Control the ads, control the spending, control the trends, control the people.
Good news though, you control what you allow in. You control what your treasure is. You control you, and no one can manipulate that unless you surrender it to someone else.