
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Overcoming The Negative Wall
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Overcoming The Negative Wall
Negative feelings are usually the result of us being too focused on ourselves, and us believing a lie that was planted and grown into something that is blocking our path towards a positive mindset and success.
So let’s overcome this.
Sit down and think.
Be aware of the negativity. Identify the feeling.
Trace it to the source. Deal with the source.
Replace the source. Focus on the replacement.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Thoughts To Action
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Thought To Action
The power to do.
The more we think, the more options become available to us to accomplish the task we set out to do.
Options lay out possible paths to get to the end. We are able to choose the path of least resistance.
But before that, need to be motivated to action.
The key to the start of every task will be the thought to go do. Without that, you just have the potential to go do something, like having the car that stays parked in the garage. You could go on a trip, but if you never plan it and get in the car. its more like a wish.
If you want to do something, let’s go think it through.
Pastor Craig Groeschel says, “If it is important, you will find a way. If it’s not, you will find an excuse.” Instead of making excuses about our poor diet or how we speak, let’s find a way to grow from normal to better than normal. And the best way to overcome our bad habits is to continually renew our minds by thinking about the things laid out in Philippians 4:8 (NCV)—things that are true, honorable, right, pure, beautiful, and respected. Our actions won’t change until our minds do. - Better than normal devotional

Saturday Oct 24, 2020
UnBlock Extra: Pomodoro Method
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
Saturday Oct 24, 2020
#UnBlockYourself Extra!
Helping to focus with the Pomodoro Method!

Friday Oct 23, 2020
Healing Focus Points
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Healing Focus Points
God’s Word contains healing, and it’s for you if you focus.
Focus on where I am
Check to see if I’m missing something or I've left off the path to do my own thing
God slows us down to talk sometimes
Focus on what He is saying
What is the message I need to hear?
Focus on what He has already said
What does His word say about healing?
Some of my focus scriptures: Isaiah 53:5 + Mark 5:34
Focus on what He wants me to do
I'm a visual person, so I do imagery of my healing taking place
Take what I’ve learned and teach it to whoever I’m supposed to

Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Questions For Meaning
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Thursday Oct 22, 2020
Questions for Meaning:
Questions to ask yourself to get meaning out of your day.
The beginning and ending questions are from Benjamin Franklin, which he would ask himself every morning and evening.
“What good shall I do this day?” If you can answer this question, you have set a major goal for the day.
When situations arise, ask, “what is this trying to teach me?” If you are able to answer this, you are able to pull positive life lessons to make your life better, and possibly share the experience to teach others.
Another version of that would be, “what did I learn from this?”
And the last to reflect on the day, “what good have I done today?”. This shows the kind of impact you had on the world, what to keep doing, and what to improve on.
Answering questions you intentionally ask yourself through the day moves you from the potentially good day, to the intentionally powerful day.

Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Time For Growth!
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Wednesday Oct 21, 2020
Time for growth!
Let’s set aside some time for personal growth
#UnBlockYourself by making time to grow:
Physically (Exercise)
Mentally (Unplug distractions for Thinking)
Spiritually (Study God’s Word + seek Him)
Financially (Read and Gain Financial Tips)
Socially (Social interactions)
Heighten your experiences
Experience something new in each area.
Ask: When was the last time you did something new for the first time?
Take a moment to focus on you in a positive way.
Shake off everything attached to you for just a few minutes, from digital distractions to family tasks and honey do lists.
Just breathe and receive...
Now that’s personal growth without even trying!

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Definite In Purpose
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Definite in purpose
Your major definite purpose is a very specific statement which has the power to influence your subconscious mind. Your burning desire will in turn will force you to take daily action that moves you towards attaining your goal.
Having a definite in purpose does not limit itself to the major goal in life, or just to your vision, it also calls out to you in your day to day tasks
Definite in purpose will clearly guide you to the accomplishments you seek, if you will:
Clearly define what it will be.
Start as soon as you’ve defined it, ready or not.
Chase after it with all the energy you can.
Don’t let go until it is done.
Definite in purpose is the fuel that powers the strong will person to do what they have set out to do no matter the difficulty nor danger involved.
And it is infinitely more powerful when God gives you your purpose, because He adds to it a plan, the power to definitely accomplish it, and also the provisions to make it happen.

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Enrichment For Life
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Enrichment for life
Give a person an idea, you enrich their day.
Teach a person how to learn, they can enrich their entire life.” Jim Kwik
When I'm thinking in my thinking chair:
I Relax
No electronics
Pick a focus and let my mind go wild with ideas, visions, wherever it wants to go. (But try to stay on the focus)
On solution seeking, Earl Nightingale suggested that we clear all other problems before tackling the chosen one... Being able to focus well can not happen if we are battling for our attention and it is divided on so many fronts. That’s why divided we fall.
One last thing,
If any person does not like the results they are getting, take time to look at what you are giving, first we sow before we can reap.