
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
It's Not You, You Are Just Lining Up.
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
It’s not you, you are just lining up.
Have you had a good day? Have you started to vibe with the things you want to happen in your life?
I had a great day, to no end. A bunch of small little “coincidences” happened to let me know I’m on the right track.
My reality is beginning to take shape as I play it out in my mind and write my own script. Well, sort of. I’m not in fear of what’s not happening yet, because I know it will. I know it because I’m thinking it. I’m thinking it because I know it was given, or inspired. And I can count on the giver to be true!
One problem I am having though is my pride or ego wants to say I’m creating this. Not true. I’m lining up in the agreement that God wants certain things for me, and I’m choosing think those thoughts instead of my own and what I want. The more I’m in sync, the more I see the impossible become the “I’m possible”. And He is the Great I Am.
Another thing I noticed is that now I’m even more protective of my thoughts and keeping them positive by not allowing them to dwell on negative things. It’s really hard because of Halloween, COVID, the election, the economy, but I find that the more I can become a solution, the more positivity I can create.

Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Harvest Your Ideas
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Harvesting your ideas
Thinking - the process of using one's mind to consider or reason about something.
Idea - a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.
a seed planted by your mind is an idea, and what you do with the seed will determine how long it will live.
You water and care for the seed by your actions
Your harvest are you results:
Your harvest you get from the seed that was planted is the results from your actions
You can tell where a seed comes from by its fruit, what you have produced comes from how you took care of the seeds, good and bad.
“Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.”
Matthew 7:17-20 NKJV

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Cultivate The Land
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Like good soil, Your mind grows whatever is planted. Good thoughts or negative thoughts, it doesn’t care. Your mind's job is to produce a crop from what was planted.
Seeds produce more of their kind
The ground must be prepared to receive the seed.
The seeds must be nurtured throughout the process from planting to harvest.

Monday Oct 12, 2020
Vision, Mission, Purpose & Passion
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Vision, Mission, Purpose & Passion
Today I thought I would share how all of these intertwine in my life.
I broke these down to a few words. Something that would be easy for me to remember, and easy to keep in my mind so I would be able to see it constantly. (The more you think about something, the stronger it becomes)
So Vision: Influence, Transform, Change
Mission: Motivate, Educate, Establish (systems to help people work towards solutions)
Passion & Purpose: Speaker, Trainer, Coach
I have certifications for Speaking (to motivate and influence), Training (to educate and transform the way things may be done), and Coach (Coaching people on methods and systems to change the world around them)
Now, the key is to constantly and consistently work at things in these areas to keep seeing my vision come to be an everyday occurrence.
Plus I have to stay out of my own way. Daily.

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Progress Towards Your Passion and Purpose
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Progress Towards Your Passion and Purpose
Grab that image you are holding for guidance. How big is it? How clear is it? Is it just a want, or is it something that is calling you and is an absolute must?
The more passionate you are about your your vision, the more likely you’ll make it your reality.
To get going, define and apply the AREA process, and now you have an accountability group that will help make sure you get there.
Be sure to focus on the vision, whatever we focus on we find the stronger it will become.
There is no progress where there is no change in the way you do things, and the way you think about it.
In order to love what you do, you have to be doing what you love, be sure you are on the right track.

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Image Transformation
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Image transformation
Holding an image, and then letting it form into thoughts and letting them lead, guide, transform, and then be, is the process of what happens when we start to become the person we think about.
Be careful of conflicting thoughts that slow down or even cancel out the vision you are working towards.
Back your vision with supporting thoughts, goal oriented actions, and surrounding yourself with people who line up with what you are trying to do.
Apply the A.R.E.A. Process to help fortify you within your vision. (More on that tomorrow)

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
What You Hold On To Weighs You Down
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
What you hold on to weighs you down.
There is a positive and a negative side of this statement.
We hold on to things we get along the journey of life. A good experience here, a mistake there, and all of these things we have picked up are stored in our mind. The thoughts we choose to think about are usually derived from the things we are holding on to. Even when they are not true, they can hold us down.
If someone says I’m fat, if I hold on to it long enough, I’ll become what I think about. Even if I lose weight I’m still fat in my mind, and I’m being crushed under the weight of that thought I’m holding.
Same can happen on a positive note. If someone says I do something well and it makes me feel great and I hold on to it, my mind will try to live up to what I believe and the difference is I’m not under the weight (unless it becomes something I don’t want anymore). I am standing on this weight so it can be a firm foundation.
The lesson is this. Do not hold on to words and experiences that are not yours. We have a choice. Some are easy, some are very difficult to let go, but to live free you must do What is right for you, and give the junk to God who is willing to trade your righteousness (all your stuff you think you need) for His. (What we actually need)

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Start Where You Are
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Start where you are.
We hear about changing our life through our thoughts and how we are what we think about all the time, but don’t do like I’ve been doing.
The approach won’t yield the results and change properly.
I bought into the idea and said “I’m willing and able to change my life”, but saw little results. I said, “I’m a millionaire!”, still broke. What’s wrong? Is it a lie? No. I was trying to make jump that was too big for my faith to handle. Like saying I know I can jump this puddle, now I’m going to jump over the Grand Canyon.
I don’t think so.
We have to start where we are, and work things in faith that stretches us out the comfort zone, but not change us into being like someone else.
Like this. I want to lose weight. I can’t say, “I see my self skinny, and to get there, I won’t eat ever again.” You may lose weight for a second, but the change is too great and eventually you’ll eat again. Probably more than you did before. But what if you could see yourself not eating until you hurt? And how about walking around the block for some fresh air? You probably will see permanent results.
As for being a millionaire, see yourself really growing the $100 dollars into 200, 500, 1,000, etc. if you became an instant millionaire, would you know how to keep it?
Let’s think about that...