
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Intentional Thinking
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Intentional thinking
See change happen or watch a stream of positivity come into your life through intentionally have it come to you
Try to Intentionally:
make someone smile
Take a break from social media
Look at the beauty of nature
Do something good
Give yourself a pat on the back for something the you did good
Be thankful for where you are and what you have learned getting there
Be graceful with the knowledge and experience points you have gained getting there too
Share the love you have been given by being a loving person
Intentionally cause the things you want to see so you can reap the results.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Think Towards Your Destiny
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Think Towards Destiny
“Sow a thought, reap a deed. Sow a deed, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny.”
Be cautious of what you feed you mind, and what you accept as truth. What you think will be expressed in the way you talk, your body language, and in your actions.
What you do consistently becomes a habit, and so on.
Ultimately, you control what is happening. You are responsible for you. Why not be the best version of yourself?

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Fight To The Finish
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Fight to the finish
Have a goal? Made it clear? Fight to the finish!
Commit to staying on the path to get to the end.
If you fall get back up. Even if there is no one around to help you get up. Look for a way.
Cliche: “the one who gives the vision will give the provision”
If it has impact or change, expect obstacles. Think ahead and Do Not wait to be reactive, have adjustments built into your action plans that may already account for the hiccups in the road.
Look to create your fan base, your cheer squad who would like to see you succeed.

Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Having Faith Over Fear
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Saturday Oct 03, 2020
Faith moves you to action.
Your actions motivated by your faith in something causes you to be able to do impossible things.
Look at all the unstoppable people you’ve witnessed throughout your life.
Now fear, it immobilizes you. Spiritually, mentally, and or physically scared stiff.
Faith and fear are illogical, and the measure each one has in any given situation will be different because we are all so unique.
Speaking to ten kids, or a packed auditorium of adults and children, logically a group of people should be a group of people. Functioning through faith, you may find it easy. Frozen in fear you may want to die.
Encourage yourself to do what you’re called to do in faith. And if your faith is not enough, you may have to rely on others faith in you until yours kicks in.
You may be frozen in fear, but take even the tiniest step to move forward in faith.

Friday Oct 02, 2020
Solution Seekers
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Solution seekers
Many of the problems we come up against are common to everyone, but the way we view them and seek the solution makes the problem very personal and unique to us.
Think about this, getting out of bed on a cool rainy Monday is a problem for everyone. But to some, it is the start to a new week, a new chance to make an impact on the world.
To others it is a mountain that will take three alarms, a phone call, bribery, or maybe even threats for them to get out of bed.
Look at the person’s approach:
Is it an obstacle, or an opportunity?
Is it a self made problem, or something set up by life to teach you a lesson?
Is it solvable? Will you crush it? Or will it crush you?
Remember you don’t have to approach big mountainous problems alone, we tend to hold onto them ourselves and get beat down by them when our friend, coach, or parent who have seen it thousands of times knows simple tricks to deal with them. All we have to do seek a little help.

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Problems Are Growth Opportunities
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Problems are usually growth opportunities
Every problem has solutions
Everything that has been invented is to solve a problem or make things better
When we are experiencing problems:
Know it can be solved
Think of many possible options (requires you to step back and think)
Base on what you come up with do the one that best suits you
Remember this is growth we’re experiencing. Many of our problems are tests. If we fail, we’ll probably be seeing them again. But if we learn from them, if it pops up again, we know what to do to successfully get through it.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
The Tower of a Powerful Life
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tower of a Powerful life
Foundation - what you believe
Walls made of faith
Brickwork is the thoughts and actions
The Roof is the Repetitive actions coming from behaviors
The stronger each section is the stronger your tower is to withstand life’s beatings.
To control and belittle people, someone will naw at each section like termites breaking down a house, until it is unlivable.
What you want to do is Find people who edify and positively backs you in these areas:
Thoughts and actions
Habits and behaviors
These will be your valuable friends that will help you make it through hard times, and good times.

Monday Sep 28, 2020
If You Can Tell Yourself What You Want
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Yourself is telling you, "If you can tell me what you want, then I can tell you how to get it"...
Know that you can do it, be willing to pay the price for it.
We all set out for greatness, trying to accomplish what we have seen ourselves achieving to be as a success.
What if you do not see yourself as anything?
Your goals you set for yourself to reach is the beginning thoughts of “You become what you think about most of the time”.
You ever notice the drive that some people have to do something, and they just seem like nothing can stop them?
This drive comes from a clear goal. Clear goals usually develops into a vision, and vision is insight on how to do something. This clear plan is like making something from a lego kit. It lays out the pieces, where they should go, and which ones fit together in the right place to get the exact picture as shown.
Unless someone steals some of the blocks, no matter how long it takes, or how many times you have to stop and start again, with the plans, you will always be able to finish with the exact product as shown.
This is why at the end yesterday I was saying you are unstoppable as long as you know where you are going. No matter how slow you go, as long as it is moving forward, you will get there. (Since you know where there is)