
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
You are the CEO of your life!
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Your life is your business. You have been named CEO from birth.
As the CEO of your business, you must take care of your employees (you and your family), payroll (how you provide for yourself), even the products or services you provide (your employment, skills, and hobbies you develop).
All other businesses you interact with affects the overall success you will have, so you must make every move count!

Sunday Sep 13, 2020
More on the Law of Values
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
Sunday Sep 13, 2020
A little more on the Law of Values...
How you see yourself can almost predict what kind of day, week, year, life you are probably going to have, especially if it positive or negative.
Your self-image can also show you how you value yourself and beliefs.
The Law of Value states that what you truly value and believe (or not) is always expressed in your actions and behavior.
If I feel like trash, I'll probably treat myself that way, and the world around me will reflect those negative feelings, amplify them, and treat me that same way.
Know that you are awesome, and when you feel that you are not, try to find someone who thinks you are so it will rub off on you too!

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Your Positive Self-Image
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
How you see yourself can almost predict what kind of day, week, year, life you are probably going to have, especially if it positive or negative.
Your self-image can also show you how you value yourself and beliefs.
The Law of Value states that what you truly value and believe (or not) is always expressed in your actions and behavior.
If I feel like trash, I'll probably treat myself that way, and the world around me will reflect those negative feelings, amplify them, and treat me that same way.
Know that you are awesome, and when you feel that you are not, try to find someone who thinks you are so it will rub off on you too!

Friday Sep 11, 2020
Responsibility and Your Response
Friday Sep 11, 2020
Friday Sep 11, 2020
We all have responsibilities. There always seems to be some opposition that comes to us when we try to take care of those responsibilities.
How we respond to the negative thoughts that come up in our lives will determine how we'll maintain our poise, power, peace, and freedom.
When the world goes crazy, and if our response is chaos, then we rob ourselves the ability to think. When you can't think, you can't see options, and without options, you cannot find the best possible solution to get to where you want to be.

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Stop the Leak!
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Like an empty cup, God pours into us the water of life.
With so many things eating away at us, holes in our positive life form, and causes little leaks.
To be good stewards over our own lives, we will have to inspect, examine, and repair any leaks we find.
This causes us to be aggressive and on our guard considering the things we value and hold dear.

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Who's In Control? Where does the power lie?
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Where the power over your life lies, that is also where the control to make it do whatever wills the holder of the power wishes.
If the control of your life is within you, you will feel powerful and in control.
If the control over you lies in the hands of others, then you will feel powerless and helpless, and will always feel pushed and pulled to get things done for others.
Also, when the power is on the inside, you focus on using it in an outward manner outside yourself.
But when the power is in the hands of others, you focus on the powerless inner you and inward focus amplifies the things we feel that is wrong within our lives, leading to depression, sickness, lashing out at the people close by, and maybe even premature death.

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Avoiding Burnout
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Knowing that everything changes eventually can help you avoid burnout.
1 Knowing changes come can help you decide if what you are about to embark on is worth doing. If it's not worth adapting to the changes or fighting for them, don't even do it.
2 The other way is to GO FOR IT! Let nothing nor anyone stop you from being you, or doing that thing you know you were called to do. Since you know changes will be coming, already be prepared with your responses. Be prepared to adapt. Be prepared to fight off negativity. Be persistent and consistent.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Pay the Price for Your Success!
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
One of the ways to "show up" was to be determined.
Another way to put it is that you must pay the price for the level of success you want.
For most people, what they want is very simple, but never easy. The process will require things from you that you do not have presently available. If you did, you’d already have it.
Paying the price is required for any amount of success you want to achieve. I’ve heard it like this:
Let’s say the standard Price for Survival is 40 hours of work, which for this instance is the very minimum, designed for just surviving.
Paying the price for success will demand that you do more than just the minimal amount. It’s been said that You can tell how much success you’re willing to pay for by how much you are willing to do over the 40 hour mark.
Always put in more than you take out. This is a principle that brings abundance in finances, health, relationships, business...
the effort you put in will be proportional to the reward you will receive.
Let's get to work!